AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric 176 2021 Sustainable Development Report 8 Indicators 8.2 Social indicators 8.2.1 Key performance indicators from the Schneider Sustainability Impact and Schneider Sustainability Essentials Schneider Sustainability Impact Long-term commitments aligned to UN SDGs 2021-2025 programs Baseline (1) 2021 progress (2) 2025 Target Tr ust 6. Strategic suppliers who provide decent work to their employees -- In progress 100% 7. Level of confidence of our employees to report unethical conduct 81% +0pts +10pts Equal 8. Increase gender diversity in hiring (50%), front-line management (40%) and leadership teams (30%) 41/25/24 0 100 41/27/26 50/40/30 Generations 10. Double hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices and fresh graduates 4,939 0 100 x1.25 x2.00 Schneider Sustainability Essentials Long-term commitments aligned to UN SDGs 2021-2025 programs Baseline (1) 2021 progress (2) 2025 Target Tr ust 12. Deploy a ‘Social Excellence’ program through multiple tiers of suppliers (3) -- In progress -- 13. Train our employees on Cybersecurity and Ethics every year 90% 96% 100% 14. Decrease the Medical Incident rate 0.79 0.65 0.38 15. Reduce scrap from safety units recalled 4,202 4,024 2 ,101 16. Be in the top 25% in external ratings for Cybersecurity performance Top 25% Top 25% Top 25% 17. Assess our suppliers under our ‘Vigilance Program’ 374 1,203 4,000 Equal 18. Reduce pay gap for both females and males F: -1.73% M: 1.00% -1.61% 1.11% <1% 19. Increase subscription in our yearly Worldwide Employee Share Ownership Plan (WESOP) 53% 61% 60% 20. Pay our employees at least a living wage (4) 99% 100% 100% 21. Multiply the number of employee-driven development interactions on the Open Talent Market 5,019 x2.1 x4 Generations 22. Support the digital upskilling of our employees 41% 74% 90% 23. Provide access to meaningful career development programs for employees during later stages of their career -- In progress 90% 24. Increase our employee engagement level 69% 71% 75% (1) Generally, the 2020 performance serves as a baseline for SSI and SSE programs, except SSI #1, SSI #10, SSE #5, SSE #14, and SSE #20, which are measured against a 2019 baseline to mitigate COVID-19 impacts. (2) Each year, Schneider Electric obtains a “limited” level of assurance on methodology and progress from an independent third party verifier for all the SSI and SSE indicators (except SSI #6, SSI #7, SSI #+1, SSE #12 and SSE #23, in 2021), in accordance with ISAE 3000. (3) SSE #12 ‘Social Excellence’ program currently under development and will be deployed in 2023. (4) As of 31 st December 2021, 99.99% of eligible employees, i.e. all Schneider employees treated as permanent workforce, were paid the living wage. The few remaining gaps were closed early 2022 so that all in scope Schneider Electric employees are now paid the living wage. The final KPI result for 2021 was rounded to 100%.

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