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175 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 305-3 Other relevant indirect (scope 3 upstream) GHG emissions TCO 2 e 8,237,192 6,966,062 8,610,739 8,903,363 1. Purchased goods and services TCO 2 e 7, 278 ,73 3 6 ,137, 3 8 8 7,388,926 7, 6 0 5 ,70 0 2. Capital Goods TCO 2 e 62,876 63,863 64,398 64,000 3. Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included n Scope 1 or Scope 2) TCO 2 e 5 3 ,167 5 5 ,151 6 7, 9 9 3 72,775 4. Transportation of good paid by the Group TCO 2 e 616,519 4 97,761 753,253 816,888 5. Waste generated in operations TCO 2 e 42,760 31,872 39,710 44,000 6. Business travel TCO 2 e 30,778 33,304 139,054 140,000 7. Employee commuting TCO 2 e 152,359 146,723 15 7, 4 0 5 160,000 305-3 Other relevant indirect (scope 3 downstream) GHG emissions TCO 2 e 60,664,674 58,955,160 65,645,506 61,861,881 9. Transportation of goods not paid by the Group TCO 2 e 485,877 371,15 9 449,507 462,695 11. Use of sold products (6) TCO 2 e 55,224,389 53,998,500 60,447,799 5 7,15 8 ,7 2 7 12. End-of-life treatment of sold products TCO 2 e 4,954,408 4,585,501 4,74 8 , 2 0 0 4,240,459 SSE #1 – Number of Zero-CO 2 sites # 51 30 UP UP Saved GHG emissions thanks to sold products and services (7) TCO 2 e 49,708,425 46,964,497 50,994,695 5 7, 5 01,19 5 Avoided GHG emissions thanks to sold products and services (7) TCO 2 e 33,930,803 28,605,883 39,406,306 39,849,166 SSI #2 – Cumulative CO 2 saved and avoided thanks to sold products and services since 2018 (7) TCO 2 e 346,960,969 2 6 3 , 321,741 187,751,362 97,350,361 2021 audited indicators. UP = Unpublished. Note than Schneider Electric carbon footprint has been updated in 2021 to reflect changes in Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for SF 6 gaz published by the IPCC in its 6th Assessment Report. Previous GWP value of 23,500 (AR5) has been updated to 25,200 (AR6) for 2021 and historical emissions and impacts scope 1 and scope 3 CO 2 equivalent emissions. (1) The CO 2 emissions linked to energy consumption are considered estimates, because the indirect emissions are calculated on the conversion factors per country. Scope 1 and 2 CO 2 emissions from energy consumption are quantified using energy reporting data, in MWh of energy per energy source. Scope 2 emissions are quantified with the market-based methodology and the location-based methodology, following GHG Protocol scope 2 guidance. Location- based scope 2 electricity emissions on energy reporting perimeter are equal to 327,653 tCO 2 e (audited value), and 413,683 tCO 2 e on total estimated perimeter. Total scope 1 and 2 (location-based) CO 2 emissions (energy, vehicles, and SF 6 emissions in tCO 2 e) on full perimeter are equal to 554,619 tCO 2 e (audited value). Electricity emissions calculated with market-based and location-based methodologies should not be added. Market-based electricity emissions are calculated using residual electricity emissions factors (source AIB, 2017) for European countries, and average country emission factors for other countries (IEA, 2017); (2) In 2017, direct (scope 1) emissions, energy indirect (scope 2) emissions and other relevant indirect (scope 3) emissions amounted to 187,477, 511,602 (699,079 total scope 1+2) and 67,413,029 TCO 2 e respectively; (3) 13 sites in 2021, 14 sites in 2020 and 2019; 16 sites in 2018; (4) CO 2 emissions for sites not included in the energy reporting perimeter are estimated based on site surface and average CO 2 intensity of sites per region from our energy reporting. (5) Greenhouse gas emissions from renewable electricity are due to CH4 and N2O emissions of renewable electricity from biomass. In addition, biogenic CO 2 emissions are due to the consumption of renewable electricity from biomass, and are not reported in scope 2 emissions following GHG protocol guidance. These emissions are of 17,215 tCO 2 b in 2021. (6) Emissions of products sold by Schneider Electric during the year of reporting, and cumulated over their lifetime. These emissions are due to electricity consumption of products, either due to internal consumption or due to heat dissipation (Joule effect); (7) CO 2 savings are calculated for sales of the reporting year and cumulated over the offers’ lifetime. Emissions are calculated as the difference between emissions with Schneider Electric’s offer and emissions in the reference situation. The methodology distinguishes “saved” and “avoided” emissions: saved CO 2 emissions correspond to brownfield sales that enable reduction of global CO 2 emissions compared to previous years, and avoided CO 2 emissions correspond to greenfield sales that enable a limitation of the increase of global emission. Each year, new methodologies are developed, and CO 2 saved and avoided from those offers is quantified for sales that occurred since 2018, and counted fully in the performance of the reporting year. In 2021, out of the 83.6 MTCO 2 e saved and avoided, 7.8 MT (9%) came from 2018- 2020 backdated performance.

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