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359 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Financial Statements 5. Chapter 5 – Consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2021 Expenses recognized in the statement of income are split between operating income (for service costs rendered during the period) and net financial income/(loss) (for financial costs and expected return on plan assets). The amount recognized in the balance sheet corresponds to the present value of the obligation, and net of plan assets. When this is an asset, the recognized asset is limited to the present value of any economic benefit due in the form of plan refunds or reductions in future plan contributions. Changes resulting from periodic adjustments to actuarial assumptions regarding general financial and business conditions or demographics (i.e., changes in the discount rate, annual salary increases, return on plan assets, years of service, etc.) as well as experience adjustments are immediately recognized in the balance sheet as a separate component of equity in “Other reserves” and in comprehensive income as “Other comprehensive income/loss”. Other commitments Provisions are funded and expenses recognized to cover the cost of providing health-care benefits for certain Group retirees in Europe and the United States. The accounting policies applied to these plans are similar to those used to account for Defined Benefit pension plans. The Group also funds provisions for all its subsidiaries to cover seniority-related benefits (primarily long service awards for its French subsidiaries). Actuarial gains and losses on these benefit obligations are fully recognized in profit or loss. 1.20 – Share-based payments The Group grants performance shares to senior executives and certain employees. Pursuant to the application of IFRS 2 – Share-based payments , these plans are measured on the date of grant and an employee benefits expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, in general three or four years depending on the country in which it is granted. The Group uses the Black & Scholes model to measure these plans. For performance shares and stock options, this expense is offset in the equity. In the case of stock appreciation rights, a liability is recorded corresponding to the amount of the benefit granted, re-measured at each balance sheet date. As part of its commitment to employee share ownership, Schneider Electric gave its employees the opportunity to purchase shares at a discounted price (Note 19). 1.21 – Provisions and risk contingencies A provision is recognized when it is probable that the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. If the loss or liability is not likely and cannot be reliably estimated, but remains possible, the Group discloses it as a contingent liability. Provisions are calculated on a case-by-case or statistical basis, and discounted when the impact from discounting is significant. Provisions are primarily set aside to cover: • economic risks : these provisions relate to probable tax risks arising on positions taken by the Group or its subsidiaries. Each position is assessed individually and not offset, and reflects the best estimate of the risk at the end of the reporting period. Where applicable, it includes any late-payment interest and fines. In accordance with IFRIC 23 – Uncertainty over income tax treatments , provisions covering uncertainties over income tax treatment are presented under “Accrued taxes and payroll costs” as of 1 st of January 2019; • customer risks : provisions for customer risks mainly integrate the provisions for losses at completion for some of long-term contracts. Provisions for expected losses are fully recognized as soon as they are identified; • product risks : these provisions comprise − statistical provisions for warranties: the Group funds provisions on a statistical basis for the residual cost of Schneider Electric product warranties not covered by insurance. The provisions are estimated with consideration of historical claim statistics and the warranty period; − provisions to cover disputes concerning defective products and recalls of clearly identified products. • environmental risks : these provisions are primarily funded to cover clean-up costs. The estimation of the expected future outflows is based on reports from independent experts; • restructuring costs , when the Group has prepared a detailed plan for the restructuring and has either announced or started to implement the plan before the end of the year. The estimation of the liability includes only direct expenditure arising from the restructuring. 1.22 – Financial liabilities Financial liabilities primarily comprise bonds, commercial paper and short and long-term bank borrowings. These liabilities are initially recorded at fair value, from which any direct transaction costs are deducted. Subsequently, they are measured at amortized cost based on their effective interest rate.

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