AI Content Chat (Beta) logo 358 Schneider Electric Universal Registration Document 2021 Chapter 5 – Consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2021 1.14 – Trade and other operating receivables Trade and other operating receivables are depreciated according to the simplified IFRS 9 model. From inception, trade receivables are depreciated to the extent of the expected losses over their remaining maturity. The credit risk of trade receivables is assessed on a collective basis country by country, as the geographical origin of receivables is considered representative of their risk profile. Countries are classified by risk profile using the assessment provided by an external agency. The provision for expected credit losses is evaluated using (i) the probabilities of default communicated by a credit agency, (ii) historical default rates, (iii) aging balance, (iv) as well as the Group’s assessment of the credit risk considering actual guarantees and credit insurance. Once it is known with certainty that a doubtful receivable will not be collected, the doubtful account and its related depreciation are written off through the income statement. Accounts receivable are discounted in cases where they are due in over one year and the discounting impact is significant. 1.15 – Assets held for sale and liabilities of discontinued operations Assets held for sale are no longer amortized or depreciated and are recorded separately in the balance sheet under “Assets held for sale” at the lower of its amortized cost and net realizable value. 1.16 – Deferred taxes Deferred taxes, related to temporary differences between the tax basis and accounting basis of consolidated assets and liabilities, are recorded using the balance sheet liability method, based on tax rates and tax rules enacted before the balance sheet date. The effect of any change in the tax rate is recognised in the income statement, apart from changes relating to items initially recognised directly in equity. Future tax benefits arising from the utilization of tax loss carry forwards (including amounts available for carry forward without time limit) are recognized only when they can reasonably be expected to be realized. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is tested for impairment at each balance sheet date and an impairment loss is recognised to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available against which the deferred tax asset can be fully or partially offset. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted and are recorded in the balance sheet under non-current assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities related to the same unit and which are expected to reverse in the same period are offset. 1.17 – Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents presented in the balance sheet consist of cash, bank accounts, term deposits of three months or less and marketable securities traded on organized markets. Marketable securities are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash at maturity. They notably consist of bank deposits, commercial paper, mutual funds and equivalents. Considering their nature and maturities, these instruments represent insignificant risk of changes in value and are treated as cash equivalents. 1.18 – Treasury shares Schneider Electric SE shares held by the parent company or by fully consolidated companies are measured at acquisition cost and deducted from equity. Gains/(losses) on the sale of own shares are canceled from consolidated reserves, net of tax. 1.19 – Pensions and other employee benefit obligations Depending on local practices and laws, the Group’s subsidiaries participate in pension, termination benefit and other long-term benefit plans. Benefits paid under these plans depend on factors such as seniority, compensation levels and payments into mandatory retirement programs. Defined contribution plans Payments made under defined contribution plans are recorded in the income statement, in the year of payment, and are in full settlement of the Group’s liability. As the Group is not committed beyond these contributions, no provision related to these plans has been booked. In most countries, the Group participates in mandatory general plans, which are accounted for as defined contribution plans. Defined Benefit plans Defined Benefit plans are measured using the projected unit credit method. 5.5 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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