AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric Universal Registration Document 2021 64 Chapter 2 – Sustainable development 2.1 Sustainability at the heart of our strategy 3.92/10 Schneider Sustainability Impact score in 2021 (1) , outperforming 3.75/10 target for the year Schneider Sustainability Impact Long-term commitments aligned to UN SDGs 2021-2025 programs Baseline (2) 2021 progress (3) 2025 Target Climate 1. Grow our Schneider Impact revenues (4) 70% 0 100 71% 80% 2. Help our customers save and avoid millions of tonnes of CO 2 emissions 263M 0 100 347M 800M 3. Reduce CO 2 emissions from top 1,000 suppliers’ operation 0% 0 100 1% 50% Resources 4. Increase green material content in our products 7% 0 100 11% 50% 5. Primary and secondary packaging free from single-use plastic, using recycled cardboard 13% 0 100 21% 100% Tr ust 6. Strategic suppliers who provide decent work to their employees (1) -- In progress 100% 7. Level of confidence of our employees to report unethical conduct (1) 81% +0pts +10pts Equal 8. Increase gender diversity in hiring (50%), front-line management (40%) and leadership teams (30%) 41/25/24 0 100 41/27/26 50/40/30 9. Provide access to green electricity to 50 million people 30M 0 100 +4.2M 50M Generations 10. Double hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices and fresh graduates 4,939 0 100 x1.25 x2 11. Train people in energy management 281,737 0 100 328,359 1M Local +1. Country and Zone Presidents with local commitments that impact their communities 0% 100% 100% (1) The Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) provides an overall measure of the Group’s progress on its sustainability goals on a scoring scale of 10. This is achieved by converting each KPI’s performance on a 10-point scale, considering that base year performance receives a 3/10 score and the 2025 objective translates to a 10/10 score. For each KPI, the relevant score is obtained by linear interpolation and rounded down to the second decimal. The overall score of the tool is the average of each KPI’s score with equal weight excluding the local commitment (SSI #+1). As an exception, in 2021, two other KPIs are excluded: SSI #6, as the program is still in development, and SSI #7, because 2021 is the baseline year. (2) Generally, the 2020 performance serves as a baseline for SSI programs, except for two programs measured against a 2019 baseline to mitigate COVID-19 impacts (SSI #1 Impact revenues and SSI #10 opportunities for the next generation). (3) Each year, Schneider Electric obtains a “limited” level of assurance on methodology and progress from an independent third party verifier for all of the SSI indicators (except for SSI #6, SSI #7 and SSI #+1), in accordance with ISAE 3000 assurance standard (see Independent verifier’s report on page 224). Please refer to page 206 for the methodological presentation of each indicator. The 2021 performance is also discussed in more details in each section of this report. (4) For the reporting requirements under the European Taxonomy Regulation, please refer to page 68 and page 216.

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