AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric 172 2021 Sustainable Development Report 8 Indicators Waste GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 Estimated coverage (% waste generation) % 87% 90% 89% 86% 306-3 Total waste generated metric tons 136,816 125,292 15 2,171 154,940 Total waste generated/Turnover metric tons/ million € 4.73 4.98 5.60 6.02 306-3 Non-hazardous waste generated metric tons 128,267 117, 6 07 143,149 145,391 of which reused or recycled metric tons 115,55 0 113 , 211 136,316 137, 5 0 0 of which incinerated with energy recovery metric tons 6,964 306-5 of which landfilled or incinerated without energy recovery metric tons 5,753 4,396 6,833 7, 8 91 Non-hazardous waste reduction (1) metric tons 13,667 7,7 2 9 3,265 UP 306-2 Share of non-hazardous waste recovered or reduced (2) % 95.9% 96.5% 95.3% UP 306-3 Hazardous waste generated metric tons 8,549 7, 6 8 5 9,022 9,549 306-2 Hazardous waste channeled according to Schneider Electric expectations (3) metric tons 8,549 7, 6 6 7 8,727 9,239 Hazardous waste generated/Turnover metric tons/ million € 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.37 Hazardous waste intensity reduction against 2017 (4) % -30% -27% -21% -12% 306-3 # and aggregate quantity of reportable spills kg 0 0 UP UP 306-3 Quantity of spills recovered kg NA NA UP UP Number of significant fines (> EUR 10,000) related to environmental or ecological issues # 0 0 UP UP 2021 audited indicators. UP = Unpublished. NA = Not Applicable (1) Waste reduction measures specific, targeted projects which reduce/avoid waste. Examples of waste reduction projects include creating a closed-loop system for pallets between the site and the supplier, or reducing packaging waste from incoming shipments. Normal operational decreases of waste due to reduced activity do not count as waste reduction. (2) Non-hazardous waste recovered or reduced is calculated as the ratio between waste reused/recycled, incinerated with energy recovery and reduced, divided by the total non-hazardous waste generated and waste reduced. The Group’s waste recovery% without waste reduction is: 95.5%, 96.3%, and 95.2% for 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively. (3) ‘Schneider Electric expectations’ for hazardous waste means: 1) Waste meets/exceeds all local legal requirements for handling/treatment, and either 2a) waste is neutralized of its hazardous nature, or b) waste is handled/treated using the feasibly best available technique which provides the most environmentally beneficial impact. (4) 2017 hazardous waste intensity was 0.42 metric tons per million euros of revenues. Biodiversity GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 304 -1 Number of sites owned, leased or managed in or adjacent to protected areas and/or key biodiversity areas (KBA) (1) # 260 UP UP UP of which industrial sites or distribution centres # 107 UP UP UP of which office buildings # 153 UP UP UP 2021 audited indicators. UP = Unpublished. (1) Within 1-kilometre radius, 21% of our sites are in proximity of a protected area as defined by the IUCN and 3% of our sites are in proximity of a key biodiversity area (defined by IBAT as either “Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE)” or ”Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs)). Atmospheric pollutions GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 Estimated coverage (% VOC emissions) % 90% 90% 90% 90% 305-7 VOC emissions (estimates) kg 501,455 440,442 653,502 664,352 305-7 VOC/Turnover (estimates) kg/million € 17. 3 17. 5 24 .1 25.8 2021 audited indicators.

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