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173 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report Water GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 Estimated coverage (% water withdrawal) % 86% 88% 88% 86% Total water withdrawals m 3 2,072,263 1,928,032 2,554,428 2,700,674 303-3-a-i of which surface water m 3 19,15 6 17, 4 61 17, 074 17, 9 9 3 303-3-a-ii of which groundwater m 3 513,631 452,602 501,163 490,563 303-3-a-v of which third party sources m 3 1,5 07,6 0 6 1,446,391 2, 0 21,16 8 2,16 3 , 2 76 of which other sources (1) m 3 31,870 11, 5 78 15,023 28,842 303-3 Water withdrawn for cooling and restituted w/o impact (2) m 3 879,602 780,201 880,276 1,376,335 303-3 Water withdrawal/Turnover (3) m 3 /million € 71.7 76.5 9 4 .1 105.0 Water withdrawal intentisy reduction vs 2017 (3) % -33.6% -2 9 .1% -12.9% -2.8% 303-3-b Total water withdrawals from areas with water stress (4) m 3 930,603 UP UP UP 303 -1 SSE #11 – Sites in water-stressed areas with a water conservation strategy and related action plan (4) % 8.5% UP UP UP 2021 audited indicators. UP = Unpublished. (1) Other water sources include sources such as grey water and rainwater (2) Water withdrawn for cooling and restituted without impact (i.e. returned back to the source with only a very small temperature change) are measured separate from total water withdrawals and excluded from performance calculations (3) excluding water withdrawn for cooling restituted without impact. The 2017 baseline value is 108.0 m 3 /million € (4) Schneider Electric’s ISO 14001 sites are designated as water stress sites based on the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas. Using Baseline Water Stress criteria, a site is designated as water stressed if it is located in an area classified as ‘high’ or ‘extremely high’ stress. Energy GRI Indicators Units 2021 2020 2019 2018 Estimated coverage (% energy consumption) % 99% 100% 100% 100% ISO 50001 Certified Sites # 140 150 153 168 302-1, 302-4 Estimated total energy consumption MWh 1,325,491 1,204,381 1,442,841 1,540,831 302-1, 302-4 of which measured energy consumption MWh 1,080,366 1,021,539 1,19 2, 5 0 8 1,258,081 of which estimated energy consumption for sites out of reporting perimeter (1) MWh 2 4 5 ,125 182,842 250,333 282,750 302-1, 302-4 Estimated total energy consumption/turnover MWh/million € 45.9 47. 9 5 3 .1 59.9 Estimated total energy productivity €/MWh 21,803 20,924 21,335 19,070 Estimated total improvement in energy productivity vs 2005 (2) % 75.7% 68.6% 71.9% 53.7% Estimated total energy consumption from renewable sources MWh 670,287 UP UP UP Estimated total percentage of renewable energy % 50.6% UP UP UP Estimated total energy consumption from non-renewable sources MWh 655,204 UP UP UP Estimated total percentage of non renewable energy % 49.4% UP UP UP Measured energy consumption by source grid electricity MWh 132,771 148,969 406,200 584,721 purchased renewable electricity (3) MWh 612,752 585,495 402,363 2 5 7, 3 5 6 self generated renewable electricity MWh 15,861 12,464 9 ,161 5,388 district heating MWh 33,830 2 7, 6 0 2 75,253 84,263 fuel oil MWh 6,967 6,9 41 8,595 9,672 gas MWh 276,954 251,377 298,319 3 2 0 ,15 3 coal MWh 0 0 0 0 renewable fuel and heat MWh 1,231 1,15 5 1,778 1,916 Measured renewable electricity generated on site and sold back to the grid MWh 2,558 2,734 2,14 9 1,370

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