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Prohibit any FormofCorruption 04 S ER N T PAR D AN RS E M O T CUS H T WI T S U TR Weupholdazero-tolerancepolicyforcorruptionandbribery, incompliance withall laws, such as but not limited to the FrenchSapin2Law,theUSForeignCorruptPracticesActandtheUKAnti-BriberyAct. Clear boundaries and efficient processes ensure that risks are managed effectively and that all employees are empoweredtoacttoavoidanyformof corruption.Anycompromiseonsuchprinciplescanbeharmfultoemployees, to Schneider and the communities it serves. • Highlight our zero-tolerance for corruption and money • Give or accept bribes, whatever their form, monetary or in- laundering, internally and when dealing with third parties kind, such as monetary gifts or payment of travel • Ensure that all given or received gifts, invitations, donations, • Facilitate payments to secure or speed up routine legal or hospitality packages and sponsoring activities are lawful, government-related actions, such as issuing permits or transparent, appropriate, approved as per our policies, and releasing goods held in customs properly documented in our records • Grant unlawful benefits to any third party to speed up a • Immediately inform our manager when aware of any action process or gain favor contrary to policies • Invite public officials without approval, as per our policies • Organize our marketing events and manage customer and procedures invitations in line with our policies, with a clear • Engage in or cover up corrupt practices or suspicious/illegal business purpose financial transactions, including those potentially perceived • Apply our commercial policy with acceptable and asmoneylaundering transparent rebates and discounts, justified by the • Approveanypaymentwithoutrelevantauthorization workdelivered according to our Chart of Approval and without checking • Follow all accounting, recordkeeping and financial the recipient reporting requirements applicable to payments, • Accept any undue solicitation from third-parties particularly in compliance with legal and/or regulatory anti-corruption provisions

Schneider Electric's Trust Charter Flipbook - Page 16 Schneider Electric's Trust Charter Flipbook Page 15 Page 17