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Strive for Resiliency 02 S ER N T PAR D AN RS E M O T CUS H T WI T S U TR Resiliency is the capacity to quickly recover from difficulty. We use a risk- centric framework to reduce our exposure to technological, environmental, process, geo-political. and health risks that disrupt our business. Wehavestandardizedissue-escalation processes in place, as well as risk assessment and business impact analysis. Wearepreparedtomanageanycrisiswithdisasterrecoveryandbusinesscontinuityplans,if needed.Ourlocalleaders are empoweredtoassessrisks,increasetheirpreparednessandhandlealltypesof criseswitharapidandeffective response, thanks to processes and tools in place to support them. • Respond to emergencies by focusing on protecting lives, • Assume that resiliency planning is somebody else’s minimizing damage to assets and any impact on both the responsibility immediate area and the wider environment • Focus on keeping and/or getting our critical operations running in times of crisis, with tools, processes, roles and responsibilities for immediate and effective response • Strive to continuously improve our response and recovery management, learning from simulations and real events

Schneider Electric's Trust Charter Flipbook - Page 12 Schneider Electric's Trust Charter Flipbook Page 11 Page 13