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Integrated Report

2021 | 44 pages

Enabling a sustainable future Integrated Report 2021

This report is an extract from Schneider Electric’s 2021 Universal Registration Document.

1 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Integrated report Integrated report Our purpose and mission 2 A t a glance 4 A s tatement from Chairman and CEO, Jean-Pascal Tricoire 6 A n interview with Chief Financial Officer, Hilary Maxson 8 2 021 Financial Performance Highlights 9 K ey Achievements of 2021 1 0 Proud of 2021’s Sustainability Achievements 1 2 Market trends – All electric, all digital 1 4 What we do 1 5 Our Business Model 2 0 A future worth investing in 2 2 A changemaker for sustainability 2 4 2022 outlook and target 2 6 2022-2024 targets and long-term ambitions 2 7 Governance 28 Our Stakeholders 3 2 table of

Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 2 Integrated report Our purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. At Schneider, we call this

3 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 4 Integrated report At a glance Our performance 2021 was a record year, setting the foundation for ongoing sustainable growth. In addition, the Group continued to raise the bar in launching new and ambitious sustainability commitments, covering 2021-25. Extra-financial KPIs Financial KPIs €28.9B Revenues +12.7% organic 17. 3 % Adjusted EBITA margin +140 bps organic €3.2B Net Income (Group share) +51% €2.8B Free Cash Flow 87% conversion rate € 6 .13 Adjusted Earnings per Share +30% €2.90 Proposed Dividend per Share +12% #1 World’s Most Sustainable Corporation in 2021 3.92/10 Schneider Sustainability Impact score, outperforming 2021 3.75/10 target 347 million Tonnes of saved and avoided CO 2 emissions to our customers since 2018 1,000 Suppliers committed to the Zero Carbon Project +4 million People have access to green electricity in 2021 71% Highest Employee Engagement Index of all time

5 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Our business Total employees by geography in 2021 Revenue by geography in 2021 128,000+ Employees in over 100 countries North America Western Europe Rest of the World Asia Pacific 26% 29% 27% 26% 16% 14% 31% 31%

Integrated Report - Page 7 Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 6 Integrated report A statement from Chairman and CEO, Jean-Pascal Tricoire The past two years have seen challenges, changes and uncertainties that few of us could have imagined back in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic, the multiple and diverse responses to it, the rapid restart of the economy, a host of climate change-linked disasters, and numerous other disruptions have shaken up supply chains and unsettled business plans the world over. Many of these developments will stay with us in 2022, and even beyond. But the world has also had time to learn, to change, and to adapt. Climate action, efficiency, sustainability, digital innovation, and resilience to disruption, uncertainty and change are now top of the agenda for policy makers, businesses and even households around the globe, in a way that was simply not the case just two or three years ago. Of course, Schneider Electric hasn’t been immune to these upheavals. But our efforts, over the past 15 years, to embrace sustainability, digitization and electrification, and to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, have stood us in good stead. In fact, if anything, our corporate purpose and positioning have been reinforced and vindicated by what the world has experienced since late 2019. It’s never been more important to bridge progress and sustainability for all. A business model built to support a sustainable future Schneider Electric received welcome, high-profile external recognition in January 2021, when Corporate Knights ranked us the world’s most sustainable corporation for the year. The recognition is a testament to the commitment of our people, our customers, partners and suppliers, who have, year after year, raised the bar, to make a positive impact on our organization, our business and community ecosystem, and on the entire world. Still, the science is clear: humanity is not acting fast enough to avert climate catastrophe. We all need to do more, and much faster, to leverage the technologies that already exist, and develop new ones for the future. That’s why, also in January 2021, we announced the most ambitious set of sustainability commitments in our history, spanning 2021-2025: to show that even companies that are already sustainability leaders have a responsibility to do even more. In late 2021, we also committed to being an Impact Company . We define that as a company that embraces environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into every dimension of its business. A company that aligns its mission to contribute these values, and that operates with a model that creates local impact, close to the communities it’s supporting. One of the guiding principles of this model is that acting on these principles, and on our purpose, also cements our financial performance. And that’s what makes us confident in our long-term sustainable growth. Accelerating core markets, and new pillars of growth Two technologies underpin the global economy’s transition to a sustainable, more resilient and lower-carbon future: digitization and electrification . It’s in these areas that we’ve built our expertise and leadership over the past years – and we’re feeling the accelerating demand for these technologies across end-markets ranging from buildings and industry, to data centers and infrastructure. In addition, to support future growth, we’ve supplemented this with three incremental growth drivers. Our services offer allows us to provide more value on our installed base, and to better serve our customers across the entire lifecycle. Our software portfolio provides unmatched capabilities in bridging the physical and digital world, allowing customers to reap the benefits of efficiency. Most recently, 2021 saw the finalization of our strategic acquisition of ETAP, as well as the closure of AVEVA’s acquisition of OSIsoft. Our next step is the development of a new category of software, through integrating our full portfolio across two core dimensions: the lifecycle and the operational domains. This is the first offer of its kind and has huge potential to support our customers by removing common operational frictions.

7 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report “ Two technologies underpin the global economy’s transition to a sustainable, more resilient and lower-carbon future: digitization and electrification” Jean-Pascal Tricoire Chairman and CEO And then there’s our sustainability business . Companies all over the world are increasingly eager to become more sustainable, and to reduce their carbon footprints. Our expertise on these fronts has allowed us to develop a full-service offering, spanning ESG consulting services, right through to digital technologies that can bolster energy and operational efficiency, to support customers at all stages of their journey. Unique operating model to support the transition All of these growth opportunities are supported by our operating model. We’ve strategically built and scaled this around four distinct characteristics: the integration of all aspects of our business operations, from sales, to supply chain, to marketing and software; the nurturing of the largest, open ecosystem of partners ; the principle of having ESG values at the heart of everything we do – both by being leaders in our own ecosystem, and by helping our customers along their ESG journeys. And lastly, our multi-hub model . With four regional hubs around the world (North America, Europe, China and India), our local teams can adapt and respond quickly to changing circumstances. It also helps us to attract the best talent anywhere in the world. Of course, none of this would be possible without our SE Great People , who participate and believe in our purpose and mission. Throughout 2021, our 128,000 colleagues demonstrated their adaptability, and their openness to collaboration and innovation, as we all learned and grew in this new, hybrid-working world. They’re also central to the trust we’ve built with our entire ecosystem. This trust has ensured our resilience through tough times, and strengthened our relationships for the future. Trust is our highest value, reinforced by the establishment of our Trust Char ter in 2021. A sustainable future built on trust Inevitably, many of the challenges of 2020 and 2021 will continue in 2022. But our strategic positioning, our operating model, and our guiding principles make us confident in our future. Around the globe, companies, governments and people have realized that humanity needs to act fast to make the world both fairer and cleaner – that we need to avert the worst effects of the looming climate crisis. The tools to do so exist: digitization and electrification can help us get towards net-zero. What we need to do now is act. Fast. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and CEO Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 8 Integrated report Schneider Electric delivered a strong performance in 2021, what were the highlights? In 2021 the key theme was growth, driven both by strong market dynamics and our strategic choices and positioning. Our revenues of EUR 28.9 billion were an all-time high, up +12.7% organically. We delivered a strong improvement in our adjusted EBITA margin which increased by +1.4pts organically, reaching 17.3%, a new record, and surpassing our target of ‘around 17%’ one year early. We achieved this through good leverage on the higher volumes of 2021, a strong focus on price in the face of inflationary pressures, and continued progress on our operational efficiency plans. The strong operational performance coupled with a reduction in restructuring costs resulted in net income of EUR 3.2 billion, an increase of +51% over 2020. We delivered Free Cash Flow of EUR 2.8 billion, reflecting strong operational cash flow but also increased working capital requirements at the end of the year due to the strong external demand environment and some supply chain shortages. We retain a strong focus on shareholder returns, and we continue our track-record of progressive dividends for a 12 th year, increasing our proposed dividend by +12% to EUR 2.90 per share. What were the biggest challenges you faced in 2021 and what do you expect in 2022? Global supply chains came under pressure in 2021, impacting not just Schneider, but across multiple industries and geographies. While the heightened external demand is supportive of future growth, it did present some temporal challenges in customer deliveries for the year and came with associated higher costs both in freight and the sourcing of some components. Our unique global supply chain set-up helped us to navigate these challenges with agility, using lessons learned from 2020, and leveraging our multi- hub model. We also faced the ongoing challenge of a global health crisis, which limited our ability to access customer sites, impacting our Services organization. I want to take the opportunity to thank our customer facing teams, and those working in our factories and distribution centers, for all they did in putting our customers first in these challenging times. For 2022, we expect these challenges to persist, with cost inflation the new reality and pressures on global supply chains not yet over. We endeavor to meet these challenges with agility, always putting customers at the forefront of our thinking. What is the outlook for Schneider Electric in 2022? In 2022, we start-out on the scalable growth journey outlined in our Capital Markets Day. We expect 2022 Adjusted EBITA growth of between +9% and +13% organic. This strong and sustainable performance would be achieved through a combination of topline organic growth, targeted at between +7% and +9%, and Adjusted EBITA margin up +30 bps to +60 bps organic. This implies Adjusted EBITA margin of around 17.6% to 17.9% for 2022. You held a Capital Markets Day in 2021. What will drive shareholder value in the coming years? At the CMD, we set our 2022-2024 targets and longer-term ambitions. Between 2022 and 2024 we expect organic revenue growth of between +5% to +8%, on average, and a continued improvement of our adjusted EBITA margin of between +30bps to +70bps organic, annually. We expect this to translate into a step-up in our Free Cash Flow, over-time, to around EUR 4 billion by 2024. We upgraded our longer-term ambitions to at least 5% organic growth in revenues on average across the economic cycle with an opportunity to further expand adjusted EBITA margin and Free Cash Flow beyond 2024. These ambitions represent a step-change in performance from past years, driven by long-term trends of digitization for efficiency, and electrification for sustainability that are pervasive across the end- markets we serve. We expect opportunities in these end-markets to remain dynamic, and for growth to be augmented by our focus on Software, Services and Sustainability. As we move into a period of scalable and sustainable growth, our revenue profile is shifting; becoming more digital and more resilient. We expect an evolution in contribution from our Digital Flywheel, moving towards c.60% of Group revenues by 2025, from c.50% today. Within this, our strategic focus on more Software & Services is expected to drive an increase of +5pts on these elements, to c.23% of Group revenues by 2025. Software & Services also presents an opportunity for revenues to be more sticky, more resilient and with a greater proportion to be recurring in nature, increasing by +15pts to c.45% recurring by 2025. As CFO, I am excited with the opportunities that lie ahead of us, we have the portfolio, the technologies and the great people required to enable sustainable growth for years to come, as we remain committed to generating further value for all of our stakeholders. Hilary Maxson, Chief Financial Officer An interview with Chief Financial Officer, Hilary Maxson

9 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report 28.9 25.2 27.2 25.7 24.7 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2,799 3,673 3,476 2,102 2,253 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 17.3 15.6 15.6 15.1 14.8 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 6.13 4.72 5.32 4.64 3.85 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3,204 2,126 2,413 2,334 2,150 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.90 2.60 2.55 2.35 2.20 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Financial Performance Highlights 2021 was a record year setting the foundation for ongoing sustainable growth. The Group generated all-time high revenues, adjusted EBITA margin and Net Income. Free Cash Flow was impacted by working capital requirements, while operating cash flows remained strong. Demand for the Group’s products, systems, software and services remained at high levels throughout 2021. As with all companies, the Group faced pressure from tightness in global supply chains, but responded with agility, leveraging its unique, digitized model for the benefit of customers. Revenue In billions of euros €28.9B Free Cash Flow In millions of euros €2,799M Adjusted EBITA margin In % of Group revenues 17. 3 % Adjusted Earnings Per Share In euros € 6 .13 Net Income (Group share) In millions of euros €3,204M Dividend Per Share In euros €2.90 Revenues were up +12.7% organic (+14.9% reported) with strong growth from both businesses and across all four regions. There was strong demand across the Group’s four end-markets, as revenues rebounded to above 2019 levels on an organic basis. FX impacts were negative -1.3% due to the strengthening of the EUR against the USD. There was positive scope impact of +3.5% from recent acquisitions. The Group generated EUR 2.8 billion of Free Cash Flow, reflective of the strong operating cash result of EUR 4.5 billion. Working capital evolution was negative EUR 853 million, reflective of the strong external demand environment. Net capital expenditure of EUR 817 million remained stable as a percentage of sales at around 3%. Adjusted EBITA reached EUR 5.0 billion, a margin of 17.3%, expanding organically by +140 basis points. The margin expansion was driven through a combination of pricing actions to compensate for inflationary costs, industrial productivity, and execution on the Group’s operational efficiency plan. Both businesses contributed to the margin expansion. Adjusted Earnings Per Share was EUR 6.13, up 30% on last year, mostly driven by the strong operating performance. The weighted average number of shares in issue remained broadly stable compared to last year. Net Income (Group share) reached EUR 3.2 billion, up +51% on last year. Restructuring costs were -EUR 225 million, down EUR 196 million on last year. Other Operating Income and Expenses were -EUR 21 million, mainly consisting of some disposal gains offset by M&A and integration costs. Net financial expenses reduced by EUR 102 million, while the Group’s effective tax rate was 23.2%, in line with expectations. The proposed dividend is EUR 2.90 per share, up 12% on last year, subject to approval at the Annual Shareholder’s Meeting to be held on May 5, 2022. The proposed dividend would be paid on May 19, 2022, and represents a continuation for the twelfth year of the Group’s progressive dividend policy. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 10 Integrated report SUSTAINABILITY The Zero Carbon Project Key Achievements of 2021 January Schneider Electric announced as the world’s most sustainable corporation, achieving the number one position on Corporate Knights’ 2021 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World ranking, out of more than 8,000 companies assessed. The jump from 29 th place in the 2020 ranking reflects Schneider’s consistent progress towards and commitment to sustainability excellence. March Schneider Electric’s majority owned subsidiary AVEVA successfully completed the acquisition of OSIsoft, a global leader in real-time industrial data software and services. OSIsoft’s PI System is a leading platform for data acquisition and data structuring for its customers, specialized on the mission-critical applications on which AVEVA and Schneider are focused. April Schneider Electric launches the Zero Carbon Project. Under the new initiative, the Company will partner with its top 1,000 suppliers – which represent 70% of Schneider’s suppliers emissions – to halve their operations’ CO 2 emissions by 2025. The initiative is part of Schneider’s 2021-2025 sustainability goals and is a concrete step towards limiting the rise in average global temperatures to 1.5°C or less by 2100, as targeted by the Paris Agreement. June Schneider Electric successfully completed the acquisition of Operation Technology, Inc. (ETAP), the leading software provider in electrical network design and simulation. The closing of this transaction will further enhance the Group’s software capabilities in the “Design” phase of lifecycle digitization. May Schneider Electric ranked 4 th in Gartner’s Top 25 Supply Chain Award, for the second consecutive year, and 1 st in Europe. The inclusion is the 6 th time that Schneider has featured on the Top 25 list, and it underlines the Company’s consistent efforts to strengthen and digitize its supply chain operations. February Schneider Electric introduced its vision for “Industries of the Future” at the ARC Industry Forum. Renewing its commitment to transforming the industrial sector through open, sustainable technology, its next- generation framework and winning formula for industrial settings is founded around three core pillars: universal automation, sustainable efficiency, and software- centric automation. EcoStruxure ™ Automation Expert is Schneider Electric’s first offer based on the universal automation vision, capable of unlocking step-change improvements in efficiency and sustainability impossible a decade ago.

11 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Winner Microsoft Partner of the Year Sustainability Changemaker Microsoft Partner Network September Schneider Electric’s Lexington, Kentucky plant is recognized by the World Economic Forum as a Sustainability Lighthouse – one of only three worldwide. The World Economic Forum has also recognized the Company’s Smart Factory in Wuxi, China as an Advanced Lighthouse – the fourth Schneider Electric factory to receive this distinction to date, joining the Lexington, Kentucky; Batam, Indonesia; and Le Vaudreuil, France factories. October Schneider Electric announced the launch of new state-of- the-art connected PrismaSeT Active switchboards, C omPacT ™ molded-case circuit breakers, and PowerLogic ™ HeatTag sensors for its EcoStruxure ™ Power architecture. These innovative offers, poised to revolutionize electrical distribution, pave the way for the 100% connected building, where efficiency is maximized, and facility staff can foresee power loss and electrical fire risks. August Schneider Electric received top ranking by Vigeo Eiris, the principal European environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating agency and part of the Moody’s Group. Schneider has also been included among the world’s top ESG performers in the mid-year reviews of the FTSE4Good Index and Euronext Vigeo Eiris indices. July Schneider Electric is recognized by Microsoft as the company’s 2021 Sustainability Changemaker Partner of the Year Award winner. The award recognizes the impact Schneider has had helping its customers set and achieve decarbonization goals using its flagship EcoStruxure ™ software solutions, which are underpinned by Microsoft technologies. December Schneider Electric wins four awards for Sustainability and Smart Home leadership at the CES 2022 Innovation Awards, recognizing its commitment to sustainability and innovation. The company’s Wiser Energy Center receives recognition in both the Sustainability and Smart Home categories for redefining home energy management and resiliency. Merten Ocean Plastic receives praise as the first home energy solution made from recycled ocean plastics, while the new Odace Sustainable collection made from recycled materials is named as a Sustainability category honoree. November Schneider Electric joined other industrial leaders and pioneers to form (UAO), an independent, not-for-profit association managing the reference implementation of a shared source runtime. For the first time, IT and OT software vendors, industrial end users, OEMs, and academics will share a common automation software layer across their automation technology – regardless of brand. The organization seeks to create an entirely new category of industrial automation and unleash the full potential of Industry 4.0. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 12 Integrated report Proud of 2021’s Sustainability Achievements The Schneider Sustainability Impact is a scorecard demonstrating that rapid, disruptive changes for a more sustainable world are possible across diverse, complex topics. We are committed to taking urgent action to co-create a brighter future aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 objectives and measuring our impact with transparency. The SDGs are about protecting the planet, alleviating poverty, and achieving worldwide peace and justice. In 2021, the Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) achieved a great score of 3.92/10 (1) exceeding its 3.75/10 target for the year. Schneider Electric also received top ESG recognitions and is on track to achieve its 2025 ambition. 6 Long-term Commitments 11+1 targets for 2021-2025 Baseline (2) 2021 Progress (3) 2025 Target Climate 1. Grow Schneider Impact revenues 70% 0 100 71% 80% 2. Help our customers save and avoid millions of tonnes of CO 2 emissions 263M 0 100 347M 800M 3. Reduce CO 2 emissions from top 1,000 suppliers’ operations 0% 0 100 1% 50% Resources 4. Increase green material content in our products 7% 0 100 11% 50% 5. Primary and secondary packaging free from single-use plastic, using recycled cardboard 13% 0 100 21% 100% Tr ust 6. Strategic suppliers who provide decent work to their employees (1) -- In progress 100% 7. Level of confidence of our employees to report unethical conduct (1) 81% +0pts +10pts Equal 8. Increase gender diversity in hiring (50%), front-line management (40%) and leadership teams (30%) 41/25/24 0 100 41/27/26 50/40/30 9. Provide access to green electricity to 50M people 30M 0 100 +4.2M 50M Generations 10. Double hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices and fresh graduates 4,939 0 100 x1.25 x2.00 11. Train people in energy management 281,737 0 100 328,359 1M Local +1. Country and Zone Presidents with local commitments that impact their communities 0% 100% 100% (1) The SSI provides an overall measure of the Group’s progress on its sustainability goals on a scoring scale of 10. This is achieved by converting each KPI’s performance on a 10-point scale, considering that base year performance receives a 3/10 score and the 2025 objective translates to a 10/10 score. The overall score of the tool is the average of each KPI’s score with equal weight excluding the local commitment (SSI #+1). As an exception, in 2021, two other KPIs are excluded: SSI #6, as the program is still in development, and SSI #7, because 2021 is the baseline year. (2) Generally, the 2020 performance serves as a baseline for SSI programs, except for two programs measured against a 2019 baseline to mitigate COVID-19 impacts (SSI #1 Impact revenues and SSI #10 opportunities for the next generation). (3) Each year, Schneider Electric obtains a “limited” level of assurance on methodology and progress from an independent third party verifier for all of the SSI indicators (except for SSI #6, SSI #7 and SSI #+1), in accordance with ISAE 3000 assurance standard. 3.92/10 outperforming 3.75/10 target for 2021

13 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Climate Schneider is on the CDP Climate Change A List for t h e 11 th year in a row. Collectively, Schneider Electric’s PPA advisory clients have contracted for more than 10,000 megawatts of wind and solar power globally, a volume equivalent to over 300,000,000 metric tons of CO 2 . Resources Schneider was recognized as the Best Global Sustainable Supply Chain Organization by GSSC in 2021. First company in the world to publish its biodiversity footprint followed by bold commitments to fight biodiversity loss. Equal The Financial Times awarded Schneider Electric the title of ‘Diversity leader’. Successful projects such as opening the biggest fish farm in West Africa in Senegal, equipped with renewable electricity and supporting local communities. Local 100% of countries committed to act for communities: launching 200+ local initiatives. Joining forces to support COVID-19 relief in India thanks to 6,500+ contributors from 48 countries taking actions to support emergency needs and recovery for education thanks to the Tomorrow Rising Fund. Tr ust Schneider awarded the Ethisphere ‘most ethical company in the world’ recognition for the 10 th consecutive year. Schneider awarded the ‘Grand Prix de la Transparence’ in the ESG information category. Generations Committed to train 10,000 underprivileged young adults in Africa through the newly created French Southern African Schneider Electric Education Center. 25,000+ students up for a sustainable challenge – a record number of registrations to our global Go Green competition. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 14 Integrated report Business Market trends – All electric, all digital At Schneider Electric, we believe a more electric and digital world is key to reaching the 1.5°C increase trajectory needed to slow climate change and enable a resilient future. The disruption caused by the events of the past two years highlight how we need to build a more sustainable and resilient world. Solutions to increase sustainability and resilience exist and are available today. Three megatrends highlight the shift to a world becoming all-electric and all-digital: • Electricity makes energy greener : electricity is the most efficient energy and offers the best path for decarbonization. • Digitization builds a smart future: digital tools make the invisible visible, enabling more effective waste reduction and efficiency improvements. • Digitization creates resilience: data analytics and insights enable more agile operations and continuity. All electric Decarbonization of power supply by increasing electricity in the energy mix from 25% in 2018 to 80% by 2050 Increased electrification in mobility, industrial processes, homes and buildings All digital Growing need to aggregate exponential amount of data Expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial processes driving abundance of data New business models with artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms and digital platforms We need to save 3x more CO 2 emissions by 2030 Source: Schneider Electric ™ Research Institute Scenario: Back to 2050 4 Gt CO 2 saved/yr Current pledged savings, post COP26, by 2030 leading to ~2.7º rise Minimum required savings by 2030 to limit to 1.5º rise 10 -15 Gt CO 2 saved/yr

15 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report What we do Industries of the Future Schneider Electric is committed to driving innovation in the industrial world. With technology, innovation and partnerships making up the core of our offer, we help industrial businesses achieve new levels of efficiency, resiliency and sustainability. As a global manufacturer, named the most sustainable corporation in the world in 2021, with an end-to-end network of smart factories and distribution centers--including four designated by The World Economic Forum as Advanced Lighthouses--Schneider is on a mission to make industries of the future eco-efficient, agile and resilient through open, software-centric industrial automation. Our next-generation framework and winning formula for industrial settings center around three core pillars: universal automation, sustainable efficiency, and software-centric automation . These create a foundation for protecting the environment and improving health and safety, while enabling real-time data sharing and remote operations that create step-change improvements in productivity and cost reduction. These core pillars are delivered through our innovative and unique EcoStruxure ™ solutions and services, built from the legacy of world-leading and award-winning brands such as Modicon, Foxboro, AVEVA, Triconex, TeSys, Altivar, Eurotherm, and Harmony . 20% improvement in production efficiency in the largest African desalination plant Schneider Electric worked with Al-Galala desalination plant in Egypt to improve their production efficiency and support the increasing water demand driven by population and economic growth. A complete EcoStruxure ™ for Water and Wastewater solution has been delivered, including Schneider Electric expert services and leading-edge industrial software from AVEVA. Benefits for the customer are tangible: • 20% improvement in production efficiency • Complete integrated solution • Optimization in design stage Innovations introduced in 2021 include: • (UAO) was formed by leaders and pioneers across industry to advance the world in industrial automation. Co-founded by Schneider Electric, UAO represents the first time that vendors, end users, OEMs, and academics will share a common automation software layer across their automation technology, regardless of brand. • EcoStruxure ™ Automation Expert v21, Schneider Electric’s own universal automation offer, expands into the water and wastewater market. • Next generation Lexium MC12 multi carrier system offers our original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), machine builders, and end-users unprecedented simplicity and flexibility from installation and integration to operation and maintenance. • Motor Management innovations provide a holistic lifecycle solution for advanced asset management and energy efficiency, from “Design & Build” to “Operate & Maintain”. Using next- generation digital simulation and design tools to optimize safety, performance, and sustainability, these advances are helping industries of the future thrive. • Schneider Electric and Wilo partnered to provide complete solutions for energy efficiency and water conservation for sustainable buildings, municipalities, utilities, and industrial water applications. >100 smart factories and distribution centers 30% improvement in workforce efficiency using digital solutions (Hubei Sanning Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) 50-70% less energy required (Oxford Energy Solutions Inc). 15% Energy savings of up to 15% and production efficiency improved by 20% (Veolia Water) for Water & Wastewater Apps, Analytics, & Services Water Network Management Expert Services Edge Control AVEVA Plant SCADA Modicon ™ M580 Connected Products MV SWG, LV MCC, Transformers, Busway, Drives, UPS Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 16 Integrated report What we do Business Buildings of the Future We spend the majority of our lives in buildings. They are where we work, learn, shop, and spend time with the people who matter most. That is why it is more important than ever that buildings are: • Sustainable and return resources to our planet rather than just use them. • Resilient and ready for the unexpected. • Hyper-efficient, leveraging real-time data to be more responsive and deliver more for less. • People-centric with safe, healthy, and welcoming environments that improve comfort and productivity. Global demands for sustainability are forcing the industry to examine the role buildings play in producing carbon emissions and costly waste. The IEA estimates that the construction and operation of buildings consume 30% of the world’s energy, and account for almost 40% of annual global CO 2 emissions (1) . For building owners and operators seeking to meet sustainability targets, Schneider Electric offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to move from strategy and implementation to operation, optimization and green certification to achieve a net-zero building. With our services, software, and solutions, customers can increase their building valuation, meet or exceed investor and tenant expectations, and reach net-zero targets, while contributing to a better environment. Headquarters of the future – London, England The Dar Group, a leading, privately-owned professional services group, is putting EcoStruxure ™ Building Graph to use at its new 19,000-square-foot European headquarters in London to create a sustainable, resilient, hyper-efficient, and people- centric work environment. Using real-time data monitoring, the collaboration has resulted in: • A new smart and sustainable European headquarters building. • LEED “Platinum” and BREEAM “Excellent” certification. • Carbon emission reductions of 18.5%. • A people-centric working environment focused on employees well-being and experience. • Real time building monitoring. Innovations introduced in 2021 include: • EcoStruxure ™ Connected Room Solutions for Hotels: Allows for integration and control of light, blinds, temperature and other occupant amenities at the guest room level. It enables a personalized and people-centric environment, while contributing to energy and carbon reduction goals. • EcoStruxure ™ Building Graph: Building operating system links the complex network of interactions between humans and buildings, connecting data across systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, enabling data accessibility and application development. • EcoStruxure ™ Building Advisor: A digital twin for your HVAC system, Building Advisor monitors the health of your HVAC assets and BMS and identifies opportunities for optimization of occupant comfort, maintenance prioritization, and overall building performance. 30% Buildings consume 30% of the world’s energy, via construction and operations 40% Buildings account for almost 40% of world’s annual CO 2 emissions 80% of the buildings that will exist in 2050 have already been built (2) (1) (2) for Buildings Apps, Analytics, & Services EcoStruxure ™ Building Advisor Planon Universe for CRE & FM EcoStruxure ™ Engage Enterprise Edge Control EcoStruxure ™ Building Operation EcoStruxure ™ Power Monitoring Expert Connected Products Connected Room Solutions Automation Server LV M V Switchgear Power Systems Smart Panels

17 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report (1) International Energy Outlook 2019 (EIA) (2) UN environmental Program 2020 (3) International Energy Outlook 2019, End-use consumption is increasingly shifting toward electricity Homes of the Future At Schneider Electric, we bring to life sustainable and smart homes of the future by connecting the lifeline of your home – electricity – with digital, to help achieve carbon-neutral goals. We design solutions to: Make homes more sustainable Homes are the single largest consumer of electricity and contribute up to 20% of carbon dioxide emissions. Schneider Electric provides solutions to make homes multi-energy source ready, maximizing electrification and, therefore, decarbonization (e.g., switching from fossil fuel to electrical heating), making it easy to upgrade existing installations. Make homes more resilient Schneider Electric’s advanced technology helps customers secure homes against electrical hazard risks, cyber threats and power interruption. Unfortunately, defaults in electrical installations are more regular than we think, causing damage and losses. And they tend to become even more frequent with the ever-increasing number of natural disasters. One of our solutions, “Wiser” monitors the health of homes at any moment, so you can call an electrician before any harm is done. It also ensures that your critical appliances are powered even during outages. Make homes more efficient Digital solutions enable greater electrification. To deliver more efficiency, Wiser connects, controls and monitors devices, whether connected or not. For example, through an efficient temperature control you can save 20% to 30% in energy consumption, without compromising on comfort. Through real-time monitoring of your energy use, you have visibility over the electrical consumption of your home appliances and can put that information into action to reduce your electricity bill. Make homes more personal Schneider Electric helps you create a comfortable home with a bespoke style and personalized living experience at every moment. Thanks to digitization and machine learning, you can take complete control of your home while Wiser learns your preferences to deliver your unique smart home experience. Customer testimony: “As an innovative and committed advocate for the environment in the construction sector, Hexaom strives to make homes increasingly environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Our goal is to develop homes that are affordable, adaptive and self-reliant in terms of their energy needs. There are many such solutions on the market, across various fields, but they are largely complementary and lack an integrated “systems approach”. That is why we are proud of our partnership with Schneider Electric, which together with Wiser Energy Center has now enabled us to offer a turnkey system of energy self-consumption”. Sébastien Perrissoud, Innovation Leader at Hexaom Innovations introduced in 2021 include: • Square D energy center: A smart panel for resilient energy and more efficient homes, offering grid-to-plug home energy management. Recognized by the National Association of Home Builders Global Innovation Awards. • Merten System switch: First switch in the world to be Cradle to Cradle Certified ® Silver. • Square D: Smart home enabled switches, dimmers, and sensors in North America. • Wiser home automation additional features: presence detection, cameras, and water leaks detection. 29% of worldwide electricity is consumed by residential segment (1) 20% Homes contribute up to 20% of carbon dioxide emissions (2) >€3.6B of property is damaged due to electrical fault (3) Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 18 Integrated report What we do Infrastructure of the Future Infrastructure is the backbone of society. Schneider Electric’s technology, services, and expertise enable cities and companies to make infrastructure more reliable, safer, greener, and more efficient. Grids Sustainable, flexible, efficient, and resilient power grids are fundamental to accelerate the energy transition. In addition to providing innovative electrical equipment, such as switchgear that uses pure air instead of the SF 6 greenhouse gas, the company equips grid operators with data gathering, management, and analytics capabilities that unlock grids of the future . These digital grid transformations further enable the decarbonization of buildings, industry, and mobility. Transportation infrastructure Many governments, cities, and transit authorities are pioneering mobility and infrastructure projects using end-to-end EV charging solutions, renewables, battery storage, and microgrids. Schneider Electric makes this possible through a foundation of digital, future- proof, financially innovative, and services-based infrastructure solutions. These solutions modernize and digitize diverse transportation infrastructure including buses, metros, railways, and airports, speeding up the transition to low-carbon mobility. Business Brookville Bus Depot A first-of-its-kind “Energy as a Service” infrastructure electrification project ensuring the bus fleet’s continuous operation regardless of utility outages. Backed by renewables, it advances Montgomery County’s 2035 net-zero carbon emissions goal. The project is set to deliver sustainable and resilient energy and charging infrastructure supporting at least 44 electric buses at Brookville Smart Energy Bus Depot. • Solutions installed: solar PV, on-site generation, battery energy storage, microgrid controls, and electric bus chargers • 62% carbon reduction from buses eliminating lifetime ~155,000 tons of GHG • 99.999% resilience and reliability of operations and sized to handle peak-demand • Turnkey Energy-as-a-Service solution Innovations introduced in 2021 include: • SM AirSeT and RM AirSeT are digital MV switchgear ranges using pure air technology, eliminating the need for the SF 6 greenhouse gas. • EcoStruxure ™ ADMS (Advanced Distribution Management System) latest release provides utilities with new capabilities in coping with far-reaching effects of climate change • EcoStruxure ™ DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management System) provides active network management for greater grid flexibility. • EcoStruxure ™ Power Automation System provides digital automation for more efficient operation and maintenance programs. • EcoStruxure ™ EV Advisor is a platform for building owners and EV drivers to control EV charging remotely. • ETAP Train Power Simulation - eTraX ™ is software for designing, analyzing, and managing AC and DC railway infrastructure. 80% of global CO 2 emissions come from the production and consumption of energy (1) 60% rise in CO 2 emissions from transportation by 2050 in absence of mitigation measures (2) for eMobility Apps, Analytics, & Services EcoStruxure ™ Microgrid Advisor EcoStruxure ™ Power Advisor Edge Control EcoStruxure ™ Microgrid Operation EcoStruxure ™ Power SCADA Operation (PSP) Connected Products PowerLogic Masterpact EaserMV Relay Energy Control Centers (1) OECD/IEA (2020), World Energy Outlook, Climate Watch (2020), Historical GHG emissions, Schneider Electric Research (2) Planete Energies

19 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Data centers of the Future Data centers are the lifeblood of the digital world. From massive cloud data centers enabling global peer-to-peer communications for billions of people, to the smallest micro data centers supporting expanding edge computing applications, data centers must be sustainable, resilient, efficient and adaptive. Critical attributes of evolving data centers: Sustainability – Sustainability is more than just reducing power consumption, it’s about creating direct customer benefits. Beyond just tracking their company-based emissions, data centers must account for the emissions of their upstream and downstream supply chain. Robust data is the key to rounding out an organization’s sustainability profile. Resilience – By reducing exposure to hazards and associated risks, like unanticipated blackouts, data center owners can mitigate unplanned downtime. Through monitoring and data analysis, data center teams can proactively avoid uptime threats and support business continuity. Efficiency – Data center efficiencies, which often encompassed only process and hardware performance efficiencies, will soon include human resources, CapEx, and total cost of ownership (TCO) efficiencies. By equipping devices with intelligent sensors and adding more digital services and remote monitoring capabilities, data centers will drive more efficient operations. Adaptiveness – A new threshold for business success has emerged: deliver goods and services with speed and precision. As customers demands increase, data centers must also adjust. More agile designs now allow data center owners to pivot, quickly scaling up or down to handle changing consumer demands. China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC) boosts energy savings As part of the Zhongzhi Group, CIIC is a leading human resources company in China, serving more than 20,000 customer companies across the country. By deploying Schneider Electric’s low footprint Uniflair ™ InRow ™ Cooling and Hot-Aisle air containment system, CIIC succeeded in boosting energy efficiency and achieving a PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of 1.5°C, while reducing the required system footprint space by 70 square meters. Innovations introduced in 2021 include: • Galaxy VL: The new, energy-efficient Galaxy VL is designed to help data centers grow while minimizing footprint and cost of ownership. As a Green Premium ™ product, it delivers top performance, supports sustainability objectives, and fills a previous gap in the market for the midrange power segment. • Monitoring and Dispatch Services: Designed for single-phase systems within edge environments, Monitoring and Dispatch Services provide both customers and partners with advanced remote troubleshooting and on-site support. End users can reduce OpEx, improve cost predictability, and reduce costly business interruptions. • Smart-UPS Ultra: The first of its kind, APC Smart-UPS Ultra is redefining the single-phase UPS, making it lighter and more powerful. It uses lithium-ion technology to power distributed IT and edge computing sites to ensure uptime and resilience. Leading change in the data center industry “The data center industry has unique characteristics, such as high energy intensity, rapid growth, large power consumption, and water usage, that require specialized metrics. Standardizing these metrics will help with adoption, improve benchmarking, and progress sustainability within the industry.” Schneider Electric Energy Management Research Center, Guide to Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Data Centers for Data Center Apps, Analytics, & Services EcoStruxure ™ IT Advisor expert team 7 x 24 services Edge Control Digital platform for monitoring Connected Products Modular solution, access control, Netbotz, UPS 1-2% Estimated global energy consumption by data centers (1) 50% Growth in IT sector electricity demand by 2050 (2) 50% Reduction in carbon intensities of data centers by 2030 (2) (1) (2) Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 20 Integrated report IMPACT Company Data Centers Infrastructure Industry Buildings Our Business Model Our mission is to be your digital partner Our advantages and resources Our expertise Energy Management Energy Transition Industrial Automation Industry 4.0 More Products More Software & Services More Sustainability We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values. People Innovation Environment Partners and suppliers Financial strength 128k+ employees worldwide, in 100+ countries 1,000+ patent applications filed globally in 2021 51 Number of zero-CO 2 sites 650k+ service provider and partner ecosystem A-/A3 strong investment grade credit rating End Markets Our five principles 1. Performance The foundation for doing good 2. All Stakeholders in our ecosystem 3. All ESG dimensions 4. Business Digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency 5. Model & Culture set up for global and local impact Our strategic priorities Our strategic pillars Electrification Sustainability Digitization Efficiency

21 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report for Sustainability and Efficiency. One integrated company Creating value Quadruple integration USA Europe India China A fully integrated company empowering its people and offering greater efficiencies to customers. One Sales, Marketing, Digital, Supply Chain and Associated Software. Creating value for all our stakeholders Unified Operation Centers Four hubs For our customers 347M tonnes of CO 2 saved and avoided since 2018 For our partners and suppliers 1k+ of top suppliers enrolled in Zero Carbon Project For the planet & local communities 34M people provided access to green electricity since 2008 For our employees 59% of eligible employees benefitting from 2021 share plan For our shareholders +49% 1-year Total Shareholder Return Most innovative range of connected products Energy 1 Automation 2 End Point Cloud Software across the lifecycle 3 Design & Build Operate & Maintain 4 Site-by-site Integrated Company Management R&D Suppliers Supply Chain Products Sales Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 22 Integrated report A future worth investing in Our mission is to be your digital partner ...and will leverage our unique operating model to deliver on our mission Schneider Electric is positioned in accelerating markets... Need for sustainability and resiliency... ...supported by governments, businesses, investors, customers and civil society Our Answer: Digitization for efficiency Eliminate waste, drive efficiency and optimize from plant to plug Electrification for Decarbonization Most efficient energy and the best vector of decarbonization Leading to: Sustainable world greener & smarter The integrated company It allows us to provide our customers with a complete plug and play and seamless integrated solution. Open We believe in the power of open ecosystems & partners. Multi-hub Multi-hub is a key element to offer improved resiliency, agility, proximity with our customers and suppliers. The Impact Company Sustainability is at the core of everything we do, in line with our purpose.

23 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report c.50% Group revenue leveraging Software + Digital services Edge Control Field Services Connectable products Ambition for Software, Sustainability and Services revenues (currently c.18% of Group revenues) to increase by +5pts by 2025 Leveraging installed base, servicing of Assets under Management Growing proportion of natively connected products through R&D, replacing non-digital offers Increased across domains Moving towards c.60% of Group revenues by 2025 for Sustainability and Efficiency. Through the development of incremental growth drivers More sustainable products 78% of product sales in 2021 are with Green Premium ™ label More Software Across the lifecycle, from Design & Build to Operate & Maintain, and across customer domains of Industry & Infrastructure, Power and Buildings. For a seamless customer experience derived through unification and federation of a unique portfolio. Leading to More Services 2x Group growth, peace of mind to customers on mission critical assets More Sustainbility Supporting customers in defining and implementing their net-zero roadmap, to drive double-digit growth Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 24 Integrated report IMPACT Company A changemaker for sustainability For over 15 years, sustainability has been at the core of Schneider Electric’s transformation journey. The Group is now a world corporate leader in sustainability and a key enabler for all stakeholders in its ecosystem to accelerate their own energy efficiency and sustainability transition. With this experience, comes a strong belief that what makes Schneider Electric stand out today and tomorrow is that it is an impact company. Schneider Electric is an impact company, a company which lives by a unique sustainability strategy and operating model, built to deliver positive impacts in the long-run. It entails a responsibility to share learnings and keep raising the bar. An impact company seeks to address the needs of all stakeholders in its ecosystem, from employees to supply chain partners, customers, as well as local communities and institutions. To deliver sustainability in its entire value chain, it must combine a solid profitability with leading practice on all Environmental, Social and Governance dimensions. It means that an impact company has inherently aligned and integrated its purpose and its business mission to ensure its corporate value delivers on sustainability needs and ambitions. The company’s operating model is set up to impact on all of the above at global and local levels. Its culture builds on strong and practiced values with the right talent and processes to be a leading purpose-led company. An Impact model recognized in external ratings 1. Performance the foundation for doing good 2. All Stakeholders in our ecosystem 3. All ESG dimensions 4. Business digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency 5. Model & Culture set up for global and local impact Our Guiding Principles “ Companies need to have a net positive mindset where they can benefit from solving the world’s problems instead of creating them. This restorative mindset is aligned with Schneider Electric’s impact company model that can be a true driver for change.” Bertrand Piccard Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation

25 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Life Is On | Schneider Electric 1. Focused on material issues 2. Disrupting the status quo 3. Transparent quarterly disclosure 4. Robust assured by an independent third party 5. Rewarding employees for performance For our Ecosystem Climate Carbon pledge towards net-zero CO 2 emissions In our operations by 2030 In our value chain by 2050 Biodiversity Pledge to be efficient with resources with no net biodiversity loss in our operations by 2030 Access to Energy Provide access to green electricity to 100 million people by 2030 2030 PLEDGE Our 2025 sustainability commitments With less than ten years left to reach the 17 United Nations SDGs, Schneider Electric has accelerated its impact and is making new, bold commitments to drive meaningful impact within the framework of its business activity. Such sustainability commitments and progress are fully integrated in the governance processes and bodies that design and execute the Group’s strategy internally and externally at every level from the Board of Directions to the operations. Act for a climate -positive world by continuously investing in and developing innovative solutions that deliver immediate and lasting decarbonization in line with our carbon pledge. Be efficient with resources by behaving responsibly and making the most of digital technology to preserve our planet. Live up to our principles of trust by upholding ourselves and all around us to high social, governance, and ethical standards. Create equal opportunities by ensuring all employees are uniquely valued in an inclusive environment to develop and contribute their best. Harness the power of all generations by fostering learning, upskilling, and development for each generation, paving the way for the next. Empower local communities by promoting local initiatives and enabling individuals and partners to make sustainability a reality for all. Schneider Sustainability Impact Progress against our six commitments for 2021 – 2025 are tracked through quantitative performance indicators, under two complementary tools: the Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) and the new Schneider Sustainability Essentials (SSE). The SSI is the translation of our six long-term commitments into a selection of 11 highly transformative and innovative programs. The programs are tracked and published quarterly, as well as audited annually. To instill a culture of sustainability, the SSI performance is embedded in the short-term incentive plans for the managers and leaders of the Group. A notable addition to the SSI in 2021 is the local commitment, aiming to deploy meaningful local actions in the 100+ markets where the Group operates. The SSE is a new tool created to maintain a high level of engagement and transparency for 25 other long-lasting programs, such as our promise to pay all our employees above the living wage. Our unique transformation tool

Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 Integrated report 26 Expected trends in 2022 The Group expects to grow both its revenues and profitability in 2022, in line with the framework for sustainable growth for the medium and long-term announced in its recent Capital Markets Day. In 2022, the Group expects: • A continuation of strong and dynamic market demand, including further recovery in late-cycle segments • All regions and all four end-markets expected to contribute to growth • Sales to benefit from higher level of backlog exiting 2021 • Ongoing uncertainty linked to health crisis • Ongoing global supply chain pressures continue to impact in coming months • Increased pressure on input costs, including raw materials, labor, freight and the sourcing of electronic components • Despite the overall inflationary environment, and current supply chain pressures, the Group aspires to be net price positive for the full year (including impacts of freight and electronics) 2022 Target The Group sets its 2022 financial target as follows: 2022 Adjusted EBITA growth of between +9% and +13% organic. The target would be achieved through a combination of organic revenue growth and margin improvement, currently expected to be: • Revenue growth of +7% to +9% organic • Adjusted EBITA margin up +30bps to +60bps organic This implies Adjusted EBITA margin of around 17.6% to 17.9% (including scope based on transactions completed in 2021 and FX based on current estimation). The Group expects progress on these levers to be weighted towards H2. 2022 outlook and target Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report 27 2022 – 2024 Targets • Organic revenue growth of between +5% to +8% , on average • A yearly organic improvement of between +30 bps to +70 bps in adjusted EBITA margin • c.€4 billion Free Cash Flow by 2024 Longer-term ambitions • Organic revenue growth of 5%+ on average across the economic cycle • Opportunity to further expand adjusted EBITA margin and Free Cash Flow beyond 2024: Operational leverage and continued evolution of business mix to positively impact margins 2022-2024 targets and long-term ambitions as announced in Capital Markets Day Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 28 Integrated report Our Board of Directors As of March 29, 2022, the Board of Directors consisted of 15 Directors and 1 Observer. The terms of office of Mr. Willy Kissling and Mrs. Fleur Pellerin who did not ask to be renewed, will end at the Annual General Meeting to be held on May 5, 2022. The appointment as a Director of Mrs. Nive Bhagat who joined the Board as an Observer on February 16, 2022 will be submitted to shareholders on this occasion. As of May 5, 2022, the Board should then be composed of 14 Directors. Jean-Pascal Tricoire Chairman & Chief Executive Officer 58 years, French • Organizes and oversees the Board’s work and reports thereon • Represents the Company in its dealings with third parties, and is vested with the broadest powers to act on behalf of the Company in all circumstances, within the limits of the corporate purpose Fred Kindle Vice-Chairman & Lead Independent Director 62 years, Swiss • Ensures proper governance • Sets the agendas for Board meetings with the Chairman • Meets with shareholders • Chairs the Governance & Remunerations Committee • Chairs the executive sessions • 3 Employee Directors • 75% independent Directors* • 42% women Directors* • 73% non-French Directors • 9 nationalities from 3 continents Board Expertise International markets (13) Corporate finance (12) Public company management (11) Industry knowledge (8) Accounting, audit & risk (5) Sustainability (4) Law, governance, ethics & compliance (4) Digital & Technology (4) Employee perspective and knowledge of the Group (4) Willy R. Kissling Director 77 years, Swiss Linda Knoll Independent Director 61 years, American Cécile Cabanis Independent Director 50 years, French Rita Felix Employee Director 39 years, Portuguese Léo Apotheker Director 68 years, French & German Fleur Pellerin Independent Director 48 years, French Anders Runevad Independent Director 62 years, Swedish Jill Lee Independent Director 58 years, Singaporean Xiaoyun Ma Employee Shareholders Director 58 years, Chinese Anna Ohlsson-Leijon Independent Director 53 years, Swedish Gregory Spierkel Independent Director 65 years, Canadian Lip - Bu Tan Independent Director 62 years, American Bruno Turchet Employee Director 48 years, French Nive Bhagat Observer 50 years, British *Excluding the Director representing the employee shareholders and Directors representing the employees. ** Including joint meeting with other committee. Activities of the Board in 2021 There were 7 meetings (including a Strategy session of 4 half-days) with 97% average attendance. Business & Financial results Ongoing business, Financial statements and information delivered to the market, ESG strategy. Strategy and investment Review of strategic priorities, including during the Strategy session, and authorization of significant acquisitions and disposals (over €250 million) Risks & Compliance Risk mapping, Business continuity plan, Ethics & Compliance framework Corporate governance Composition of the Board and its committees, succession plan for corporate officers, compensation of Corporate officers, Long-term incentive plan, Preparation of the Annual General Meeting Board committees Governance & Remunerations 7 meetings** 6 members 67% independent 94% average attendance Audit & Risks Committee 6 meetings** 5 members 80% independent 100% average attendance Investment Committee 3 meetings** 6 members 80% independent* 89% average attendance Digital Committee 5 meetings** 5 members 75% independent* 100% average attendance Human Resources & CSR Committee 4 meetings** 6 members 75% independent* 100% average attendance Board committees Governance & Remunerations Committee Audit & Risks Committee Investment Committee Digital Committee Human Resources & CSR Committee Committee Chair * The Director representing the employee shareholders and Directors representing the employees are excluded as per the French Commercial Code and AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code. Governance

29 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Our Executive Committee As at April 1 st , 2022, the Executive Committee is chaired by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and meets monthly. Its mission is to conduct Schneider Electric business in line with the strategy defined by the Board of Directors. Global functions Operations Business Our Stakeholder Committee The primary mission for the Stakeholder Committee is to oversee the delivery of long and short-term commitments undertaken by Schneider Electric in accordance with its Purpose and Sustainability strategy. Bertrand Piccard Chairman of Solar Impulse Foundation 64 years, Swiss Zheng Yin Executive Vice-President China Operations 50 years, Chinese Hilary Maxson Chief Financial Officer 44 years, American Gwenaelle Avice-Huet Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer 42 years, French Salvo Lombardo Chief of staff, UNHCR 63 years, Italian Lan Xue (Dr.) Cheung Kong Chair Distinguished Professor and Dean of Schwarzman College in Tsinghua University 62 years, Chinese Barbara Frei Executive Vice-President Industrial Automation 51 years, Swiss Charise Le Chief Human Resources Officer 49 years, Chinese Peter Weckesser Chief Digital Officer 53 years, German Emily Reichert (Dr.) CEO, Greentown Labs 48 years, American Amani Abou-Zeid (Dr.) African Union Commissioner in charge of Infrastructure, Energy, ICT and Tourism 60 years, Egyptian Olivier Blum Executive Vice-President Energy Management 51 years, French Chris Leong Executive Vice-President Chief Marketing Officer 54 years, Malaysian Annette Clayton Executive Vice-President North America Operations 58 years, American Michela Conterno CEO, L ATI 46 years, Italian Linda Knoll Director of Schneider Electric SE, HR&CSR Committee Chair 61 years, American Hervé Coureil Chief Governance Officer & Secretary General 51 years, French Philippe Delorme Executive Vice-President Europe Operations 51 years, French Rita Felix Employee Director of Schneider Electric SE 39 years, Portuguese Mourad Tamoud Executive Vice-President Global Supply Chain 50 years, French Laurent Bataille Executive Vice-President France Operations 43 years, French Jean-Pascal Tricoire Chairman & Chief Executive Officer 58 years, French Luc Rémont Executive Vice-President International Operations 52 years, French Jean-Pascal Tricoire Chairman & Chief Executive Officer 58 years, French Nadège Petit Chief Innovation Officer 42 years, French • 44% women • 44% non-French members • 6 different nationalities from 3 different continents Our Shareholders 7.0% 6.3% 3.6% 2.2% 80.9% Sun Life BlackRock, Inc. Employees Treasury shares Public Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 30 Integrated report 23% Target annual variable compensation 130% of fixed (2) 18% Fixed compensation 59% LTI P (1) 18% Not linked to performance 41% Paid in cash 59% Paid in shares 41% Short-term 59% Long-term (minimum 3 years + presence condition) 82% Linked to performance Our Executive compensation The general principles underlying the compensation policy for Corporate Officers and the analysis of their contribution to the Group’s performance are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Governance & Remunerations Committee. Executive compensation set by the Board of Directors is aligned with the Group’s global strategy and is based on three pillars divided into seven principles: Aligned with those principles, the compensation of the Corporate Officer is made of the following components: for the variable component of the compensation, the Board upon recommendation of the Governance & Remunerations Committee, chooses the performance conditions directly linked to the Group’s priorities. The Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) which includes a climate target is used as a criterion in the annual variable compensation of the Corporate Officer and that of the 64,000 employees benefiting from such compensation. In the same way, the Schneider Sustainability External & Relative Index (SSERI) is used for the long-term incentive plan granted to 3,000+ employees including the Corporate Officer. (1) LTIP granted during 2021 fiscal year valued in accordance with IFRS standards (2) Between 0% and 260% Pay for Performance Alignment with shareholders’ interest Competitiveness 1. Prevalence of variable components: circa 80% for CEO (at target). 2. Performance is evaluated via economic and measurable criteria. 3. Financial and Sustainability objectives are fairly balanced and distributed between short-term (annual variable compensation) and medium-term (long-term incentive) components. 4. Significant proportion of the total compensation delivered in shares. 5. Performance conditions support Schneider Electric’s strategic priorities and are aligned with shareholders’ expectations. 6. To benchmark the Corporate Officer’s compensation package “at target” in the median range of the Company’s updated peer group. 7. To reference the CAC 40 third quartile and the Stoxx Europe 50 median. Long-term incentive plan Group’s strategic priorities Annual incentive plan How the strategy links to the corporate officers’ variable compensation Delivering strong execution and creating value for customers and shareholders every year to contribute to Schneider Electric’s long-term success Building an integrated and leading company with strong sustainability focus and attractive returns to shareholders Group organic sales growth 40% Group adjusted EBITA margin improvement 30% Group cash conversion rate 10% Schneider Sustainability Impact 20% Adjusted Earnings Per Share 40% Relative Total Shareholder Return 35% Schneider Sustainability External & Relative Index 25% Organic growth Value for customers Sustainability Continuous efficiency Value & returns to shareholders Balance between compensation elements Governance

31 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Our Enterprise Risk Management Schneider Electric places a significant importance on resilience within the values and principles which guide its actions, as a key element for sustainable growth which is part of the Group’s Sustainability value. An Enterprise Risk Management based on the three lines of defense model Schneider Electric uses a hybrid risk management model with central functions and experts in charge of setting risk management mechanisms, establishing policies, and other activities, while the ownership of the risks belongs to the Business Units and Operating Divisions who are responsible for deploying the central framework to manage their risks. Board of Directors and Audit & Risks Committee Accountable to stakeholders for organizational oversight Management Actions (including managing risk) to achieve organizational objectives Internal Audit Independent assurance Governing body roles: Integrity, leadership and transparency 1 st line roles: Business and risk owner, provide products/ services to customers and manage risk 3 rd line roles: Advice on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance and risk management • Divisions, Business Units • Zones, Clusters, Countries • Global Internal Audit • Cyber Security • Compliance • Quality • ... 2 nd line roles: Global Functions Leaders and Experts, oversee risks, set guardrails (policies, process, control), advise and monitor 1 st line Alignment, communication, coordination, collaboration Delegation, direction, resources oversight Accountability, reporting Key Risks The key risks selected and presented below are the risks considered by the Group as the one specific to its business and identified as having the potential to affect its activity (1) . In each category, risks are assessed in terms of potential impact for the Group, the first one being the most likely to affect the Group. (1) However, the Group may be exposed to other non-specific risks, or risks of which it may not be aware, or risks of which it may be underestimating the potential consequences, or other risks that may not have been considered by the Group as being likely to have a material adverse impact on the Group, its business, financial condition, reputation or outlook. Categories and Risks Potential net impact 1 Event triggered risks 1.1 Risk of cybersecurity on the Schneider Electric infrastructure and its digital ecosystem 1.2 Export controls 1.3 Strengthening of chemical and resource-related regulations in the Electric and Electronic Equipment space 1.4 Corruption linked to B2B and project business 1.5 Human rights, environmental, and safety issues through the value chain 1.6 Schneider Electric connected products used as a gateway to attack Group’s customers and partners 1.7 Product quality 1.8 Competition laws 1.9 Counterparty risk 1.10 Currency exchange risk 2 Trend driven risks 2.1 World deglobalization and fragmentation 2.2 New players such as digital giants, software players, and energy majors entering the energy efficiency and renewable energy space 2.3 Supply chain resilience 2.4 Digital evolution and software offers 2.5 Attracting and developing talent with a focus on critical skills 3 Management practice risks 3 .1 IT systems management 3.2 Pricing strategy Key to symbols High impact Medium impact Low impact Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 32 Integrated report 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Internal Stakeholders External stakeholders Governance and Ethics Product stewardship Mission Social Environment Society Sustainable supply chain Becoming a leader of the circular economy and rethinking our resource footprint Being a role model in the effective reduction Decarbonizing our supply chain Guaranteeing cybersecurity of products and solutions Guaranteeing a 100% responsible offer Guaranteeing quality and safety of products Actively contributing to the rise of the industry 4.0 Guaranteeing optimal working health and safety conditions for our employees Developing regional value chains Aiming for zero corruption at all levels, in the whole value chain Promoting diversity and inclusion in all our professions, countries and operations Advocating an all electric and all digital world Facilitating renewable energy production Ensuring an expert and representative governance for long term sustainable value Being exemplary in the management of our customers and partners data Ensuring customer due diligence Becoming a key player in electric mobility Aiming for environmental excellence at our sites Ensuring our employees well-being in and out of the workplace Supporting our employees in the transformation of their profession Being a recognized access to energy player Ensuring an exemplary influence policy Contributing to the fight against energy poverty Ensuring fair pay for our employees Ensuring digital sobriety Contributing to training and education in energy & digital professions Ensuring social dialogue Limiting global impact on biodiversity, in our whole value chain Ensuring exemplary tax practices of our own CO 2 emissions Guaranteeing high social and environmental standards for subcontractors and suppliers Becoming a key player for a net zero carbon built environment* Meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow Schneider Electric is committed to open communication with its ecosystem and uses the feedback to analyze its market and define areas of engagement. The 2021 – 2025 Schneider Sustainability Impact program offers ways to implement quick and disruptive changes on issues identified as a priority by the Group and its stakeholders. Key stakes for our ecosystem identified by the materiality assessment To consolidate the relationship and expectations of its external and internal stakeholders, Schneider Electric updates its materiality assessment on a regular basis. In 2020, the Group launched the stakeholder consultation process to update its materiality matrix and build the new Schneider Sustainability Impact. Almost 200 stakeholders – customers, suppliers, international organizations, trade associations, experts, shareholders, senior managers, and members of the Executive Committee – were invited to assess the importance of the challenges facing the Group. The general consensus was that companies need to become more resilient in the face of growing environmental, social, political, and economic instability. What stakeholders most expect from the Group is genuine leadership in decarbonizing the economy through its businesses, products, and solutions. The four main trends were climate, circular economy, a fair and equitable transition, and digitized, cybersecure solutions. All 31 issues raised were deemed important, thus reinforcing our holistic vision of sustainability and the Company’s extended responsibility to its ecosystem, in particular its supply chain. Our Stakeholders Materiality matrix Committed with our partners

33 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Buildings, Industry, Infrastructure and Energy Non-Governmental Organizations, Media, etc. Social Partners and Bodies, UIMM, etc. Legislators, European Commission ILO, OECD, etc. Other Standardization Bodies, Teaching and Research, Independent Experts, etc. SRI, Financial and Extra-Financial Analysts, etc. Groups and Professional Unions, Consortiums, JV, etc. Local Residents and Territorial Collectivities Contractors, Integrators, OEM, Systems Manufacturers, Distributors Employees Authorities and Global Compact Standardization Bodies IEC and Product Certication Shareholders, Investors, Banks and Insurers Suppliers and Subcontractors Gimélec companies C i v i l s o c i e t y S o c i a l C u s t o m e r s P a r t n e r s F i n a n c i a l I n s t i t u t i o n a l T e c h n i c a l * Borrowings, capital increases and treasury stock disposals. (1) Of which €307 million in R&D. (2) Of which €136 million for long-term pension assets. Employees: wages €8,434 million States: income taxes €966 million Non-governmental organizations: donations €19 million Shareholders: dividends €1,447 million Bank: net bank fees €95 million Procurement and other €15,775 million Net external financing* including capital change (€1,646 million) Investments and development €817 million (1) Net financial investments €4,351 million (2) Operating Cash flow after Dividend Payment €2,169 million Change in cash (€4,645 million) 2021 Total Revenue: €28,905 million Investment capabilities R&D: €1,539 million Shared sustainable and responsible value Schneider Electric aims to boost its positive impact on the planet and society at large by promoting a green and responsible growth that is shared with all its internal and external stakeholders. Unique ecosystem of partners To share its expertise and develop high-performance solutions, Schneider Electric builds long-term partnerships with a wide range of global and local players. Schneider has developed the industry’s largest network of distributors, and works with many types of suppliers, as well as with its end customers. The Group is continually strengthening its local connections in all countries to deliver the best customer experience and co-develop sustainable and effective digital solutions. Alongside business partnerships, the Group is involved in various local or international associations and organizations supporting sustainability, working with key players from across society. Schneider confirms its commitment to and participation in discussions on challenges related to climate change. To further advance social and environmental best practice, Schneider Electric reiterates its commitment to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on an annual basis. Since 2018, the Group has been among the 38 LEAD companies most committed to this initiative. The Group is also an active member of the Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) coalition. Last but not least, the Group is committed to all its employees empowering people across generations and regions and offering equal opportunities. Revenue breakdown by stakeholder Every year for the last 15 years, Schneider Electric has published a diagram showing its revenue distribution and financial flow for its various stakeholders. Source: CSR sector reporting guide, 2017. Stakeholder mapping Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 34 Integrated report Great people make a great company As the changes to our world accelerate and transform our industry, we consider the Group’s culture as a key business differentiator to achieve profitable growth through innovation and to outpace the market. Schneider Electric is a people company where employees come to work for a meaningful purpose and feel empowered to have an impact. New work paradigm As we move towards a post-pandemic era, the nature of work, the workplace, and the relationships between companies, customers, and employees have dramatically changed. First, we need to strengthen trust through a meaningful purpose, ethics, fairness, health and safety (physical and psychological), well- being, and employee experience. Second, we must accelerate the transformation of our culture, leadership, and new ways of working. We believe these new ways of working – with a focus on digital, our multi-hub approach, hybrid work, and well-being – are here to stay. Third, there are up to five generations working side by side, and each generation has a varied set of expectations from their employer. This in turn is leading to a shift towards a highly personalized, digitized employee experience with choice and flexibility. Our people are also passionate about our meaningful purpose, to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability. The energy transition and digitization require Schneider Electric to work closely in its different markets and to develop a shared vision with customers, supported by faster innovation, technology, and deep insights. As such, we need to shape our organizational culture to meet this challenge and motivate us all. The most local of global companies Globalization allows Schneider Electric to welcome more diverse teams and to ensure our local presence best supports our customers’ specific needs with a true multi-market knowledge and culture. We prioritize how we develop and retain our employees to create an inclusive workplace that offers long-term career and development prospects and learning pathways. We are the most local of global companies. Our multi-hub operating model is built across four decentralized hubs: Paris for Europe, Hong Kong for Asia, Boston for North America, and most recently, India. This model empowers employees and provides them with opportunities to grow within our organization, and we are continually championing diversity, equity, and inclusion to make a bigger impact on society. Our People Vision All this change influences how we work together and ultimately how we create value for our customers. We updated our People Vision to accelerate our business performance and transform our culture and leadership. At Schneider Electric, we are building for the future, in sync with the changes happening in our markets and with our customers. Our People Vision consists of the following: • Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is our commitment to engage existing and future talent. It’s the reason why people join, stay, and remain engaged and shows how we differentiate ourselves as an employer. • Our Core Values determine who we are, what we do, and define the way we work together and deliver on our EVP promise. Our values guide our choices and illustrate the behaviors we expect our employees to demonstrate. • Our Leadership Expectations show how we expect leaders to drive the Group for the future. They emphasize how our leaders will transform the Group by stepping up both individually and collectively. Our Stakeholders 2021 People recognitions

35 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report New people strategy In January 2021, the new people strategy was launched with the aim to set the bar higher to support business growth, as well as culture and leadership transformation. To deliver on this mission and shape the workforce of the future in the “next normal”, the strategy has three outcome-based themes: • Organizational Agility – a growth and innovation culture, enabled by a flatter, leaner, and multi-hub / multi-local structure, customer proximity, and fast decision making, supported by new ways of working. • Future-ready Talent – a diverse, empowered, and digitally skilled team. All talents develop current and future skills through on-the-job learning, exposure, and education to realize their potential. • Inclusive Leadership – leaders drive greater disruption and acceleration. They build human connections by coaching, caring, and collaborating across teams to achieve together and deliver impact. Our Employee Value Proposition MEANINGFUL We empower all to make the most of their energy and resources , ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. Our mission is to provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability . We adhere to the highest standards of governance and ethics . INCLUSIVE We want to be the most diverse, inclusive and equitable company, globally. We value differences , and welcome people from all walks of life. We believe in equal opportunities for everyone, everywhere. EMPOWERED Freedom breeds innovation . We believe that empowerment generates high performance, personal fulfillment and fun . We empower our people to use their judgement , do the best for our customers , and make the most of their energy . “All generations have to work together to create a better community. It’s not a problem for the future – it’s a problem for present generations and we are seeing the consequences. For generation Z, we have a responsibility to create a completely sustainable world for future generations.” Helena Arias Casals (on behalf of the team), one of the 2021 Schneider Go Green winner 2021 highlights 84% of our Country Presidents are from the country or region they are leading. 41% women at hiring as we are committed to building a diverse organization at every level. 71% our highest Employee Engagement Index show the outstanding commitment of our #SEGreatPeople. 59% of subscription in our yearly Worldwide Employee Share Ownership Plan (WESOP). 69% of connected employees registered on our Open Talent Market platform. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 36 Integrated report Uplifting local communities through inclusivity Our Stakeholders We believe in taking meaningful action and being mindful of all populations to create a fairer, more equal, and more sustainable world. Around the world, Schneider Electric gives people access to energy and education through initiatives that combine training, technological innovation, social innovation and entrepreneurship. This means thinking about the world of tomorrow by empowering everyone, regardless of origin, gender, or socio-economic level to build a promising future for individuals and families worldwide. Bringing access to green electricity Today, more than two billion people have little or no access to electricity, representing 25% of the world’s population. At Schneider, we believe that access to energy is both a fundamental right and a means for social and economic development. The purpose of our Access to Energy social business is to bridge the energy gap by bringing a safe, affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy offer to populations in emerging markets. We call this Electricity for Life and Electricity for Livelihood. “Electricity for Life” means delivering access to green electricity as a fundamental right, answering to essential needs (such as lighting, social connection, or education) for off-grid households, small businesses, and the humanitarian sector. There are almost 800 million people living in off-grid areas, and more than 80 million people forcibly displaced. “Electricity for Livelihood” means delivering access to green electricity as a driver of economic development and poverty reduction for households connected to an unreliable grid and for productive businesses. Around one billion people, and many farmers, schools, or health centers in rural areas, are dependent on an intermittent grid and need quality energy with back-up solutions based on solar energy. Schneider’s access to energy solutions already benefited 30 million people between 2009 and 2020. Our ambition is to connect an additional 20 million people between 2021 and 2025, and 70 million by 2030. Educating the youth and populations in underserved areas For more than 20 years, training and entrepreneurship have been the historical mission of the Schneider Electric Foundation, under the aegis of Fondation de France. With the support of NGO partners, more than 300,000 young people around the world have received professional training in energy-related professions. The Group’s ambition is to train one million people by 2025. Passing on skills to young people and giving them the means to support their families will improve their quality of life and create sustainable jobs. To do this, the Schneider Electric Foundation draws on a network of around 80 volunteer employees (or delegates) across 80 countries. Their role is to select local partners in vocational training and entrepreneurship in the energy sector and to raise sustainability awareness. The Foundation also leverages its VolunteerIn organization to empower employees to be actors and ambassadors of the Group’s societal commitments wherever they are based. They are the link between Schneider, the Foundation and the supported organizations. 2021 highlights 150,000 people have access to green electricity 24/7 in 5 remote cities in Chad through a partnership with the local enterprise ZIZ Energy. 13,000 Mobiya solar lanterns distributed in Benin, Senegal and Cameroon in partnership with ADEME. +4.2m people connected to green electricity in 2021. 328,000 people trained in energy management since 2009. 28,000 volunteering days s i n c e 2 017.

37 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Local sustainability commitments As part of the 2021 – 2025 Schneider Sustainability Impact, we promote local initiatives and enable individuals and partners to make sustainability a reality for everyone, everywhere. 100% of Schneider Electric’s Country and Zone Presidents have defined three local commitments that impact their communities in line with our sustainability transformations. Close to 200 local programs have been deployed in 2021; here are a few examples of initiatives to implement quick and disruptive changes. In Spain, Schneider Electric will give electrical products a second life through donations to an online marketplace for educational purposes and to improve the electrical installations of families at risk of energy poverty. The Group will install photovoltaic devices on the roofs of schools in Francophone Africa and Islands to charge solar lamps. Schneider Electric aims at promoting and encouraging education programs for vulnerable women through local associations in Chile. We will increase fivefold Schneider’s spend with indigenous-owned suppliers in Australia as part of the Reconciliation Action Plan. In Italy, our employees volunteer to train 1,000 students each year under an Energy Efficiency and Industry 4.0 program co-designed with the Italian Ministry of Education. Schneider will be upscaling access to energy education in Myanmar through the establishment of vocational training facilities. We will transition to a 100% electric company car fleet in Norway by 2023. Schneider Electric Integrated Report 2021 38 Integrated report Proud to be one of the most ethical companies Present in over 100 countries with diverse standards, values, and practices, Schneider Electric is committed to behaving responsibly in relation to all its stakeholders. Convinced that its responsibility extends beyond compliance with local and international regulations, the Group is committed to doing business ethically, sustainably, and responsibly. Schneider’s business actions and decisions run on trust. Trust Charter, Schneider Electric’s Code of Conduct In 2021, Schneider Electric evolved its Principles of Responsibility to the Trust Charter, acting as the Group’s Code of Conduct and demonstrating its commitment to ethics, safety, sustainability, quality, and cybersecurity. Schneider Electric believes that trust is a foundational value. It is earned. It serves as a compass, showing the true north in an ever more complex world and Schneider Electric considers it to be core to its environment, sustainability, and governance commitments. Trust powers all Schneider Electric’s interactions with stakeholders and all relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, and the communities they serve, in a meaningful, inclusive and positive way. TRUST T e a m s C u s t o m e r s a n d P a r t n e r s C u s t o m e r s a n d P a r t n e r s I n v e s t o r s C o m m u n i t i e s E t h i c s C y b e r s e c u r i t y S a f e t y Q u a l i t y S u s t a i n a b i l i t y Ethics & Compliance program Driven by and in complement to the Trust Charter, the Ethics & Compliance (E&C) program establishes the framework of policies, tools and processes related to E&C topics. By providing specific guidelines and practices, the program ensures the business is run with integrity, and employees are aware of potential risks. As part of this program, all employees have access to the Trust Line, Schneider’s whistleblowing system, to speak up in case of unethical conduct, with the guarantee of the whistleblower protection. Schneider has built a strong governance to lead the Ethics & Compliance program to the highest standards, with responsibilities at board, executive, corporate, and operational levels. Zero tolerance for corruption Schneider Electric has a zero tolerance policy with regard to corruption. This commitment is materialized through a strong and continuously developing Anti-Corruption Compliance program, which is part of the E&C program. In 2020 and 2021, a set of anti-corruption e-learnings was built to provide guidance on real life risk scenarios and to take into account the trainees’ needs and expectations. This led to a curriculum of modules of e-learnings, deployed in 2020 and completed in 2021 with four additional modules about facilitation payments, conflict of interest, conditions that make people commit the wrongdoing, and how to raise concerns in Schneider Electric. The modules were supported by top leaders’ videos demonstrating the “tone at the top” on this crucial matter and are available in 14 languages. Our Stakeholders 2021 highlights 96% employees trained on Cybersecurity and Ethics. 81% of our employees are confident to report unethical conduct. 26% of confirmed cases raised via the Trust Line lead to actions. Ethisphere Institute – One of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies.

39 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report With a network of more than 52,000 suppliers around the world, Schneider Electric is committed to developing lasting relationships with each of them, while at the same time helping them introduce more sustainable practices. Supply chain vision Our world-class supply chain is driven by the following principles and objectives: • Customer satisfaction and quality is our number one priority. • Sustainability is at the core of procurement actions through innovation and working with sustainable suppliers. • Competitive landed costs and optimized cash, driving high level of productivity and Schneider Electric’s top-line growth and margin. • An agile and secure supply chain that is a competitive advantage in the market throughout the product lifecycle. • World-class competencies and talents with values of accountability, collaboration, and simplification. We’re deeply concerned about social and environmental conditions in mines that could supply such “conflict minerals” for our products. When the country of origin is known to be in the conflict zone, 100% of the smelters and refiners were verified conformant. Therefore, the Group has no reason to believe that any conflict minerals the Group sourced, have directly or indirectly financed or benefitted armed conflict in the covered countries. Building a sustainable supply chain We aim to collaborate with our global supplier network for an inclusive and carbon neutral world, where ecosystems and resources are preserved, and people get access to economic opportunities and decent lives. Our ambition is to make sure that the production of our products and services are not linked to any kind of environmental or human rights abuses. Schneider Electric’s sustainable purchasing strategy ensures risk management and commits to improvements. To achieve this, we have embedded sustainability at three levels: • Provision of a Supplier Code of Conduct with fundamental requirements that all suppliers delivering goods or services to Schneider Electric are expected to adhere • Integration of sustainability criteria in the day to day, operational procurement actions. The qualification process focuses on people, social responsibility, and environmental management. Sustainability criteria account for a significant part of the evaluation. • Deployment of strategic programs in thematic areas of climate change (The Zero Carbon Project), decent working conditions & human rights (Duty of Vigilance, ISO26000, Decent Work), circularity & resource conservation (green materials, sustainable packaging). In 2021 we have begun a new five-year engagement with ambitious targets for each of the thematic areas. Sustainable relations with suppliers Conflict minerals: we support the US conflict minerals legislation and actively avoid the use of such minerals in our supply chain 2021 highlights Supplier Engagement Leader award from CDP. 1,000 Suppliers committed to the Zero Carbon Project. +5pts continuous increase of suppliers ISO2 6000 score. 21% total packaging spend attributed to sustainable packaging. Schneider Electric I ntegrated Report 2021 40 Integrated report Our Stakeholders Schneider Electric’s vigilance plan In 2017, Schneider started the implementation of a vigilance plan covering its business activities as well as those of its suppliers and subcontractors. Since then, this vigilance plan has been continuously reinforced, aiming to push further towards responsible corporate citizenship. In January 2021, the Group was awarded the Best Vigilance Plan by the Sustainable Investment Forum and A2 Consulting. Duty of vigilance Schneider’s ambition is to be an ethical company. Our values shape the way we do business with our many customers, partners, suppliers, and communities around the world. They inform the way we protect and foster human rights and guide our desire to make a positive impact on the planet and the environment. The Group’s vigilance plan reflects this ambition. It also complies with the provisions of the 2017 French law on Corporate duty of vigilance. The plan includes: • A risk analysis specific to vigilance: risks that Schneider Electric poses on the ecosystem and environment; • A r eview of the key actions implemented to remediate or mitigate these risks; • A n alert system; • G overnance specific to vigilance. The 2021 analysis has not revealed major changes or gaps that were not identified so far. The following evolutions are to be mentioned: • I mpact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Schneider Electric’s business: Actions implemented in 2020 such as working from home, increased sanitary measures, etc. were adapted in 2021 to respond to the fluctuating pandemic situation. Overall, employees have reacted positively to these measures, as demonstrated by the surveys conducted and the high level of engagement. However, the medium-term impact of the pandemic on morale is still to be monitored closely, as some signs of fatigue are visible among teams. • Et hical business conduct: This area has been under close monitoring, as the adverse business climate has put pressure on business. However, no significant deterioration has been noticed. • C ybersecurity and data protection: they are a subject of permanent focus and attention, taken very seriously by the Group. It is addressed through training programs and measures to protect employees, customers, and stakeholders against threats. • Analysis of specific risks to communities residing near Schneider sites: In 2021, a specific review has been implemented to assess Schneider’s main sites and customer projects. The assessment is still a work in progress at this point, but so far, no critical areas of concern have been detected. The plan is governed by the Duty of Vigilance Committee, set up in 201 7. The steering committee meets twice a year in normal circumstances. Overall, s ince i ts in ception, 1 3 C ommittee m eetings have been held (five in 201 7, two in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021). The Committee’s objective is to provide a discussion on strat egic orientation and prioritize initiatives and the resources allocated to their i mp lementation. T his C ommittee a lso r eviews t he ac tions i n progress and their results and defines decisions on next st eps for action . For more comprehensive and complete information, the full vigilance plan of the Group is available as a standalone document and can be downloaded from Schneider Electr ic’s website at 2021 hi gh lights #1 Vigilance Plan awarded in 2021 to Schneider Electric by the Sustainable Investment Forum and A2 Consulting. 800+ suppliers assessed under our Vigilance program in 2021. +64% suppliers audited on-site in 2021 compared to the 2017-2020 yearly average.

41 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Integrated report Schneider Electric sites Suppliers Contractors Communities Offices Travelers, sales forces Factories low voltage and electronics Factories medium voltage Project centers Field services Travels and hospitality Transportation and shipping Raw materials Metal transformation and treatment Plastics Batteries Other components On Schneider Electric sites Off site and projects execution Around Schneider Electric sites Around customers project sites Human rights Decent workplace Health and Safety Environment Pollution and specific substances management Waste and circularity Energy CO 2 and GHG Business Ethics Ethical business conduct Alert system, protection and non-retaliation Offer safety and cybersecurity Offer safety Cybersecurity and data privacy Low risk Medium risk High risk Very high risk 2021 highlights Top 25% of companies in external ratings for Cybersecurity. 51 Zero CO 2 sites to decarbonize our operations. 11% green material content in our products. Schneider 2021 Vigilance risk matrix

Schneider Electric SE Headquarters: 35, rue Joseph Monier - CS 30323 F-92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex (France) Tel.: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 29 71 00 Incorporated in France, governed by a board of directors with a share capital of EUR 2,276,133,768 Registered in Nanterre, R.C.S. 542 048 574 Siret no.; 542 048 574 01791 © 2022 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Life Is On Schneider Electric is a trademark and property of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 998-21811496