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337 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 4 – Corporate Governance Report Corporate Governance 4. 4.2.5 Long-term incentive plans Grant policy As part of its overall staff pay policy, Schneider Electric sets up a Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) every year. These plans allow the Group to ensure the competitiveness of the compensation offered by the Group, in dynamic and competitive international markets, and in sectors where the ability to attract talent is a key factor to success. These plans also aim at mobilizing Schneider Electric’s management for the achievement of the Group’s long-term objectives and align their interest with those of our shareholders. The Long-term incentive plans are based on an allocation of Performance Shares. No stock options or SARs have been granted since December 2009 and the last plan of stock options implemented expired on December 31, 2019. These plans are granted by the Board of Directors, based on the recommendation from the Human Resources & CSR Committee. Beneficiaries include members of Group Senior Management, top managers, high-potential managers and employees in all countries whose performance was judged remarkable. The grants made in 2021 are characterized by: • A total of 3,416 beneficiaries in the 2021 LTIP ( vs . 3 ,10 0 beneficiaries in the 2020 LTIP); • Allocations to Executive Committee members, including the Corporate Officer, represented 14.0% of the total attributions in the framework of the 2021 LTIP (similar to the proportion prevalent (14.5%) in the framework of the 2020 LTIP); • 28.4% of the beneficiaries were women in the 2021 LTIP to whom 26,7% of the shares were granted ( vs. 26.0% of women in the 2020 LTIP to whom 24.5% of the shares were granted). Corporate Officers formally undertake, for each grant of shares, not to engage in hedging transactions until the end of their duties as executive Officers. Past share plans (as of December 31, 2021) LTI P 2018 LTI P 2019 LTIP 2020 LTI P 2021 Plan number Plan 30, 31, 31 bis Plan 32, 33, 34, 35 Plan 36, 37, 37 bis Plan 38, 39, 39 bis , 39 ter Date of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Apr. 25, 2016 Apr. 25, 2016 Apr. 25, 2019 Apr. 25, 2019 Date of the grant by the Board Mar. 26, 2018 Oct. 24, 2018 Mar. 26, 2019 Jul. 24, 2019 Oct. 23, 2019 Mar. 24, 2020 Oct. 21, 2020 Mar. 25, 2021 July 29, 2021 Oct. 26, 2021 Number of shares at grant of which: 2,371,940 2,444,010 2,216,791 1, 5 5 7,170 – Jean-Pascal Tricoire 60,000 60,000 60,000 37, 9 0 3 – Top ten employee beneficiaries 205,200 214,700 218,500 141,866 Vesting/delivery date Mar. 26, 2021 Oct. 24, 2021 Mar. 28, 2022 Jul. 25, 2022 Oct. 24, 2022 Mar. 24, 2023 Oct. 23, 2023 Mar. 25, 2024 July 29, 2024 Oct. 26, 2024 End of holding period Mar. 25, 2022 for Plan 30 (only for 25,800 shares of which 18,000 shares granted to Jean-Pascal Tricoire) Mar. 27, 2023 for Plan 32 (only for 25,800 shares of which 18,000 shares granted to Jean-Pascal Tricoire) Mar. 24, 2024 for Plan 36 (only for 18,000 shares granted to Jean-Pascal Tricoire) Mar. 25, 2025 for Plan 38 (only for 11,371 shares granted to Jean-Pascal Tricoire) Number of rights outstanding as of Dec. 31, 2020 2,138,056 2 , 3 07,76 9 2,18 9 , 8 51 N/A Number of rights granted in 2021 N/A N/A N/A 1, 5 5 7,170 Number of shares delivered in 2021 2,091,053 1,800 800 0 Number of rights canceled in 2021 47, 0 0 3 97, 5 4 0 75,510 15,253 Number of rights outstanding as of Dec. 31, 2021 0 2,208,429 2,113 , 5 41 1,541,917 Total number of rights outstanding as of Dec. 31, 2021 5,863,887

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