AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric Universal Registration Document 2021 450 Chapter 8 – Annual Shareholders’ Meeting The ex-dividend date will be May 17, 2022 and the dividend will be payable from May 19, 2022. If, at the time of payment of the dividend, the number of treasury shares held by the Company has changed compared to that held on December 31, 2021, the fraction of the dividend relating to this variation will either increase or reduce retained earnings. For individual beneficiaries who are tax resident in France, the dividend is subject upon payment to a social security tax of 17.2% and, in principle, to a mandatory non-definitive levy of 12.8%. This tax is levied at source and is computed on the gross amount of the dividend. For its taxation in 2023, this dividend will fully be eligible for the 40% tax rebate referred to in Article 158.3.2° of the French Tax Code where an express, global, and irrevocable election is made for taxation under the progressive scale of personal income tax. Where this option is not made, the dividend will be taxed at a final flat-rate income 12.8% and will not be eligible for this 40% rebate. In both cases, the levy of 12.8% borne at the time of the payment of the dividend is deducted from the individual income tax due. Dividends/coupons paid by Schneider Electric SE for the three most recent fiscal years are as follows: 2018 2019 2020 Net dividend paid per share (in euros) 2.35 2.55 2.60 4 th resolution: Regulated agreements Explanatory statement In the 4 th resolution , you are invited to take due note of the absence of any new regulated agreement concluded during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021. Text of the fourth resolution (Approval of regulated agreements governed by Article L. 225-38 et seq. of the French Commercial Code) The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, having satisfied the quorum and majority requirements for ordinary meetings, and having considered the statutory auditors’ special report on related party agreements referred to in Article L. 225-38 of the French Commercial Code, approves this report in all its provisions and notes that no new agreement has been concluded during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021. 5 th and 6 th resolutions: Appointment of a new board of statutory auditors Explanatory statement The current board of statutory auditors is composed as follows: • Mazars has been appointed statutory auditor of the Company for the first time on May 6, 2004 and lastly renewed on April 25, 2016 for a 6-year term which expires at the closing of this Shareholders’ Meeting; • Ernst & Young et Autres has been appointed statutory auditor of the Company for the first time on June 25, 1992 and lastly renewed on April 25, 2016 for a 6-year term which expires at the closing of this Shareholders’ Meeting and cannot be renewed according to applicable regulations. The terms of office of Auditex and Mr. Thierry Blanchetier, as substitute statutory auditors, also expire at the closing of this Shareholders’ Meeting. In order to ensure that the high-quality audit of the Group is maintained through the implementation of a tailored transition plan between the former and new board of statutory auditors, the Audit & Risks Committee of Schneider Electric SE has decided to proceed with the selection of the new board of statutory auditors whose terms will start at the closing of the 2022 Shareholders’ Meeting. The situation of your statutory auditors has been carefully examined by the Audit & Risks Committee, in particular with regard to the quality of work carried out; the regular rotation of the two firms in the Group’s entities; and robust quality control procedures. The selection process carried out by the Audit & Risks Committee led to the recommendation to the Board of Directors: • to renew the term of office of Mazars as statutory auditor considering the quality and efficiency of Mazars’s contribution, especially on a technical level, which is highly appreciated both inside and outside the Company, and of its in-depth knowledge of the Group; and • to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (in replacement of Ernst & Young et Autres), whose teams have demonstrated, through a competitive process, their capacity to undertake the audit of the accounts of Schneider Electric’s Group according to international best practices. 8.1 Explanatory comments & draft resolutions submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

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