AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric Universal Registration Document 2021 282 Chapter 4 – Corporate Governance Report Skills Definition Core Skills Public Company Management Directors with experience in executive leadership positions of public companies. These positions include industry CEOs (6 among the 14 Board members excluding the Chairman & CEO are former CEO of listed Companies: F. Kindle, L. Apotheker, W. Kissling, A. Runevad, G. Spierkel and Lip-Bu Tan) as well as other top executive positions ( e.g. CFO, COO) and top management roles (regional or divisional leadership). Corporate Finance Directors who have gained experience in banking, investments, restructuring or M&A. Also, those high-level executives with responsibilities for financial management ( e.g. CEO, CFO). Accounting, Audit & Risk Directors from an auditing, or internal finance role ( e.g. financial reporting responsibilities). As well as this, expertise in risk management gained from subject matter expertise or responsibility for corporate risk management (note: non-executive positions are not taken into consideration). International Markets Directors who have spent a large portion of their career in, or have been directly responsible for, foreign markets. Schneider Electric’s Board expertise is well balanced between US, Asian and European markets experience: • European market: JP. Tricoire, F. Kindle, L. Apotheker, C. Cabanis, W. Kissling, J. Lee, A. Runevad, A. Ohlsson-Leijon, G. Spierkel; • US market: L. Apotheker, L. Knoll, G. Spierkel, LB. Tan; and • Asian market: JP. Tricoire, J. Lee, X. Ma, F. Pellerin, A. Runevad. Industry Knowledge Directors who have gained experience in energy sectors. Employee perspective and Knowledge of the Group Directors who are also employee of the Group and have gained a deep and inside knowledge of the Group. Digital & Technology Directors who have gained technical or managerial experience directly in information technology, digitization, data and innovative technologies in relevant industries. Law, Governance, Ethics & Compliance Directors with advanced and relevant legal qualification or experience in a corporate legal setting, direct career exposure to relevant regulators, or governmental organisations. Also includes directors who have a proven track record contributing to ethical business practices and governance. Sustainability Directors who have made significant contributions to either sustainability in business, or have notoriety for promotion of sustainable business in the wider economy. This skill does include experiences such as technical experience in innovative green technologies. Independence and conflict of interests Independent Directors Each year, as provided under the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code, the Board of Directors, on the report of the Governance & Remunerations Committee, dedicates one of the points on its agenda to the qualification of its members as independent with regard to the criteria for independence set out in Article 9.5 of this Code and presented in the table below. Criterion 1: employee or Corporate Officer within the previous five years Not to be and not to have been within the previous five years: • an employee or executive Corporate Officer of the Company; • an employee, executive Corporate Officer, or Director of a company consolidated with the Company; • an employee, executive Corporate Officer, or Director of the Company’s parent company or a company consolidated with this parent company. Criterion 2: cross-directorships Not to be an executive Corporate Officer of a company in which the Company holds a directorship, directly or indirectly, or in which an employee appointed as such or an executive Corporate Officer of the Company (currently in office or having held such office within the last five years) holds a directorship. Criterion 3: significant business relationships Not to be a customer, supplier, commercial banker, investment banker, or consultant: • that is significant to the Company or its group; • or for which the Company or its group represents a significant portion of its activity. The assessment of the significance or otherwise of the relationship with the Company or its group must be debated by the Board and the quantitative and qualitative criteria that led to this evaluation (continuity, economic dependence, exclusivity, etc. ) must be explicitly stated in the annual report. 4.1 Governance Report

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