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455 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 8 – Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Shareholder Information 8. Text of the fourteenth resolution (Authorization granted to the Board of Directors to buy back Company shares) The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, having satisfied the quorum and majority requirements for ordinary meetings, having heard the Board of Directors’ report, hereby authorizes the Board of Directors, pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 22-10-62 of the French Commercial Code, Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of April 16, 2014 on market abuse and its delegated regulations and the French Financial Market Authority’s General rules, to buy-back or arrange for the buy-back of the Company’s shares for the purpose of: • the allotment or transfer of shares to employees or Corporate Officers of the Company and/or of current or future related companies, for the purposes of implementing any stock option or Performance Share plan, or any other grant, allocation, or disposal to employees and Corporate Officers of the Company; • the delivery of shares as a result of the exercise of rights attached to securities giving access to the Company’s capital by redemption, conversion, exchange, presentation of a warrant or by any other mean; • the cancellation by way of share capital decrease of all or part of these repurchased shares; • the delivery of shares (for exchange, payment or otherwise) in connection with external growth operations (up to a limit of 5% of the share capital); • their provision for the purposes of a share management agreement entered into with an investment services provider in order notably to maintain a liquid market; or • the implementation of any market practice which would be allowed by the French Financial Market Authority. This authorization also allows the Company to trade in its shares for any other purposes authorized or that may be authorized by law or regulation. In such a case, the Company would inform its shareholders through a public release. Shares acquired may also be canceled, subject to compliance with the provisions of Articles L. 225-204 and L. 225-205 of the French Commercial Code and in accordance with the 24 th resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 28, 2021. The number of shares that may be purchased shall be subject to following limits: (i) the number of shares that the Company may purchase during the term of the buy-back program should not exceed 10% of the Company’s share capital at any time (i.e. for information purposes, 56,903,344 shares, on the basis of the share capital as of December 31, 2021), it being specified that the number of shares acquired in view of their retention and their future delivery for the purpose of an external growth operation cannot exceed 5% of the Company’s share capital; and (ii) the number of shares that the Company can hold at any time may not exceed 10% of the Company’s share capital. The maximum share purchase price is set at €250 per share (excluding acquisition costs) without exceeding the maximum price set by applicable laws and regulations. The total amount allocated to the share repurchase program will not exceed €14.2 billion (excluding acquisition costs). The purchase, exchange, disposal or transfer of shares can be decided by the Board of Directors on one or more occasions, at any time except during takeover bid involving the Company’s shares, and by any means, provided that laws and regulations in force are complied with, on or off the stock market, over the counter, in whole or in part in blocks of shares, by takeover bid in cash or in shares, by using options or derivatives, either directly or indirectly through the intermediation of an investment services provider, or in any other way. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting grants authority to the Board of Directors, which may further delegate as permitted by law, to adjust the price set forth above in the event of transactions on the Company’s share capital, and in particular an increase in capital through the capitalization of reserves, the allocation of free shares, a stock split or reverse stock split, the distribution of reserves or any other assets, impairment of share capital or any other transaction involving share capital or shareholders’ equity, to take into account the impact of these transactions on the stock value. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting gives full powers to the Board of Directors with powers to subdelegate under the conditions set out by law, to use this authorization, in particular to give any and all orders, enter into any and all agreements, allocate or reallocate the shares acquired to the objectives pursued under the applicable legal and regulatory conditions, set the terms and conditions under which the rights of holders of securities giving access to the share capital or other rights giving access to the share capital will be preserved, if applicable, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and, if applicable, contractual provisions providing for other cases of adjustment, prepare all documents and press releases, carry out any and all formalities and make all appropriate declarations to the authorities, and in general take all necessary measures. This authorization supersedes, for the unused portion, the authorization given to the Board of Directors by the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 28, 2021 in its 15 th resolution and is granted for an eighteen (18)-month period as from this Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

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