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161 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 2 – Sustainable development Strategic Report 2. PEP Ecopassport PCRed4 In 2021, Schneider Electric strongly contributed to the development of the new Product Category Rules of the PEP Ecopassport association (PCRed4 issued in September 2021), which are: • Compliant with the EN 50693:2019 standard: Product category rules for life cycle assessments of electronic and electrical products and systems – currently being mirrored in the IEC/ TC111 Working Group 15 (IEC 63366); • Fully aligned with the EN 15804+A2 standard: Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations – Core rules for the product category of construction products; • Integrate key elements of the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), such as mandatory impact indicators, end-of-life formulae, and quality ranking; • Aligned with ISO 14067:2018: Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products – Requirements and guidelines for quantification, integrating the latest requirements of the French regulatory texts from RE2020. The application of PCRed4 enables electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers to produce product environmental declarations, in accordance with the best-known international standards, thus fostering cross-region and cross-industry recognition. Schneider aims at using this new PCR document to influence and strengthen the environmental footprint practices of the sector through standardization (TC111 Working Group, ZVEI initiative) and regulations (Sustainable Product Initiative of the European Commission, Green Taxonomy). By relying on the PEP Ecopassport PCRed4 methodology on the one hand and on the acceleration of the environmental data digitization on the other hand, Schneider strives to provide systematically and seamlessly to customers quantified environmental footprint to differentiate the green offers, and therefore, be a change agent towards a low-carbon and circular economy. Substances strategy With increasing chemical substances regulations, raising standards from a well-being perspective, especially in the building space, and a growing number of questions from B2C and B2B customers on health matters, the ability to ensure compliance of several hundreds of thousands of product references has never been so critical. When such product traceability is mastered at scale, with robust processes and systems in place, clear business opportunities emerge, as digitization of such data is more and more needed. Schneider Electric seamlessly captures underlying data from suppliers, aggregate it, and disseminate it swiftly to customers who need that information. REACH and RoHS In Europe, the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) directive are engaged in a refit process and Schneider actively participated in the public consultations through the professional organizations, by making some key proposals to improve efficiency and limit the administrative burden. Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP) In the frame of the Waste Framework Directive, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) was mandated by the EU commission to put in place the database for information on Substances of Concern In Products (SCIP), beginning in 2021. Since 2021, manufacturers and importers of products containing substances of very high concern (SVHC) above the 0.1% threshold, must register those products into this SCIP database. Despite the difficulties to manually register Schneider’s products without any IT to IT systems, nor any easy solution provided by ECHA, the Group registered most of the relevant products by the end of 2021, being one of the top contributors, and reinforcing our transparency objective in this domain. The environmental compliance IT system which allowed Schneider to have a competitive advantage in terms of transparency and substitution management, virtually throughout the last decade, must be replaced. 2021 was dedicated to specifying our needs in order to maintain and even improve this advantage at least for the next 10 years. This is a key element of our substance and regulation management strategy. TSCA In the US, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulation which restricts the use of chemicals was reinforced with the introduction of new substances. Schneider Electric worked hard to identify the use case of those substances and launch adequate actions. The TSCA restriction list will be fully integrated in Schneider Electric’s global substances strategy soon. IEC 62474 Substances information data sharing is key to target substitutions. Schneider is very active in the development of data exchange formats on substances through the IEC 62474 standard. Other substances under investigation Among the different subjects investigated in 2021, the Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) restriction proposal and Silver classification update were two points of focus. Lead substitution was also investigated in anticipation and will be promoted when possible.

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