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219 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 2 – Sustainable development Strategic Report 2. 2.7.3 Sustainability Accounting Standard (SASB) Correspondence table Topic Accounting metric Category Unit of measure Code Response/ Data/ Reference Topic Energy Management (1) Total energy consumed Quantitative Gigajoules (GJ) R T- E E -13 0 a .1 The following KPIs covers our measured energy consumption (about 81% of Group energy consumption): (1) 3,889,318 GJ (1,080,366 MWh) (2) 37.0% (399,564 MWh) (3) 58.3% (629,844 MWh) Energy Management (2) percentage grid electricity Percentage (%) (3) percentage renewable Hazardous Waste Management Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage recycled Quantitative Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) R T- E E -15 0 a .1 Hazardous waste generated: 8,549 tons. Hazardous waste channeled according to Schneider Electric expectations: 8,549 tons. Hazardous Waste Management Number and aggregate quantity of reportable spills, quantity recovered Number, Kilograms (kg) RT- EE-150a.2 Zero reportable spills in 2021, therefore no recovered quantity to report. Product Safety Number of recalls issued, total units recalled Quantitative Number R T- E E -2 5 0 a .1 14 product recalls have been issued in 2021. Schneider Electric has an Offer Safety Alert (OSA) process to alert the relevant Line of Business and other interested parties as soon as it is suspected that customers’ health or property safety may be put at risk by Schneider products, solutions, or projects. The Offer Safety Alert Committee (OSAC) is a permanent corporate committee that oversees and regulates the management of OSA. Its mission is to ensure all OSA are managed with the due diligence and urgency to minimize safety risks to customers. Its independent, multi-discipline nature allows the OSAC to make decisions in our customers’ best interest. Product Safety Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with product safety Reporting currency RT-EE-250a.2 No material loss at the Group level. Product Life cycle Management Percentage of products by revenue that contain IEC 62474 declarable substances Quantitative Percentage (%) by revenue R T- E E - 410 a .1 Around 60 to 70% of our products (by turnover) contain IEC 62474 substances (which covers 37 worldwide regulations and about 160 substance families). With the current information collected from our supply chain, we manage to cover nearly all substances and regulations. Information disclosed for our Green Premium products covers these substances. More details on Green Premium in section 2.4.3 “Green offers” page 156. Product Life cycle Management Percentage of eligible products, by revenue, that meet ENERGY STAR ® criteria RT- EE- 410a.2 This metric is not relevant at global level as it is only applicable in US and Canada. Revenues derived from ENERGY STAR UPS are included in our Impact Revenues measure (see below). Revenue from renewable energy-related and energy efficiency-related products Reporting currency RT-EE-410a.3 Schneider Electric measures “Impact revenues” (previously “Green revenues”), ie revenues coming from offers that bring energy, climate, or resource efficiency to our customers, while not generating any significant harmful impact to the environment. In 2021, 71% of Group revenues qualify as Impact revenues. The Group aims to grow its Impact revenues to 80% by 2025 as part of SSI 2021-2025. Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials Discussion and Analysis n/a RT-EE-440a.1 Details regarding our sustainable procurement practices are provided in section 2.2.11 “Sustainable relations with suppliers” page 117, in particular our Vigilance plan, Conflict Minerals and cobalt programs. When the country of origin is known to be in the conflict zone, 100% of the smelters and refiners were verified conformant. Therefore, the Group has no reason to believe that any conflict minerals the Group sourced, have directly or indirectly financed or benefitted armed conflict in the covered countries. The Group is exposed to fluctuations in energy and raw material prices, in particular steel, copper, aluminum, silver, lead, nickel, zinc and plastics. The Group has implemented certain procedures to limit exposure to rising non-ferrous and precious raw material prices. The Purchasing departments of the operating units report their purchasing forecasts to the Corporate Finance and Treasury department. Purchase commitments are hedged using forward contracts, swaps and, to a lesser extent, options. Materials Sourcing Business Ethics Description of policies and practices for prevention of: (1) corruption and bribery and (2) anti-competitive behavior Discussion and Analysis n/a R T- E E - 510 a .1 As stated in its Trust Charter and Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, Schneider Electric is committed to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, such as the OECD’s Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act, and the French Sapin II law. Schneider Electric applies a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and other unethical business practices and considers that “doing things right” is a key value-creation driver for all its stakeholders. We count on our employees and third parties to promote business integrity. A thorough description of our policies and practices is provided in sections ‘Prohibit any Form of Corruption” and “Require Third-Party Integrity” of the Trust Charter. Business Ethics Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with bribery or corruption Quantitative Reporting currency RT- EE- 510a. 2 No material losses. Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anticompetitive behavior regulations Quantitative RT-EE-510a.3 No material losses. Activity metrics Number of units produced by product category Quantitative Number RT-EE-000.A A breakdown of revenues by activity is provided in business model page 20 and page 404. Activity metrics Number of employees RT-EE-000.B 128,384 (spot 2021 year-end headcount, excluding supplementary workforce). More workforce statistics in section 2.7.2 “Social Indicators” page 232.

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