AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric Universal Registration Document 2021 328 Chapter 4 – Corporate Governance Report Fixed compensation The fixed compensation is reviewed at long intervals by the Board in accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code, unless there are specific circumstances that would warrant a salary increase, for example a major change in the duties. The Board ensures that the Chairman and CEO’s salary is set reasonably compared to similar roles in the market. Considering the positioning of the Corporate Officer’s salary on the relevant markets, the Company performance, and also pay conditions for other employees, the Board decided that there were no special circumstances that would call for a salary increase in 2022. 5% Salary increase over the last 5 years Nil Nil Nil Nil 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 Corporate Officer FY 2022 (January 1, 2022) FY 2021 (January 1, 2021) % Change Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and CEO €1,000,000 €1,000,000 0% Annual variable compensation Annual variable compensation provides variable cash compensation which rewards achievement of the short-term financial and sustainability targets of the Group. At the start of the fiscal year, financial and sustainability performance criteria, weightings, and annual targets are reviewed in detail by the Committee and recommended to the Board for approval. Outcomes will be determined based on performance against each of those targets. The Board has the flexibility to review targets during the year to ensure continuous alignment with shareholders’ interests. The payment of the annual variable compensation is conditional upon approval by shareholders of the compensation granted to the Chairman and CEO. The Company does not operate a clawback policy. The pay-out opportunity at threshold performance is 0%, with 50% of maximum annual variable compensation payable for achieving target. The maximum annual variable compensation will only be earned where a strong performance is delivered on each performance metric. Pay-outs between threshold and target, and between target and maximum, are determined on a straight-line basis. Schneider Electric does not operate a deferral program. 2022 Annual variable compensation opportunity at target and maximum (no change vs. the 2021 policy): Minimum At target Maximum 0% of fixed compensation 130% of fixed compensation 260% of fixed compensation Nil €1,300,000 €2,600,000 For 2022, the Board proposes that the measurable financial performance criteria determine 80% and sustainability criteria, 20% of the variable cash compensation of Mr. Jean-Pascal Tricoire as follows: Performance criteria Description and link to strategy 40% Group organic sales growth Fostering organic growth through deployment of strategic priorities in key markets 30% Adjusted EBITA organic margin improvement Enabling shareholder value creation through continuous efficiency 10% Group cash conversion Enabling returns to shareholders 20% Schneider Sustainability Impact Promoting continuous progress towards more sustainability and value for customers For business confidentiality reasons and as in previous year, the targets cannot be disclosed; however, the targets have been set precisely by the Board at the meeting of February 16, 2022 and will be communicated ex-post . 4.2 Compensation Report

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