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315 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 4 – Corporate Governance Report Corporate Governance 4. Chairman & CEO’s compensation in relation to the 2021 fiscal year At its meeting on February 16, 2022, after examining the suitability and fairness of the outcome of the 2021 compensation policy for the Corporate Officer and its alignment with the Group’s performance, upon recommendation of the Governance & Remunerations Committee, the Board determined the Corporate Officer’s compensation for 2021 in accordance with the principles and criteria previously approved by the shareholders in April 2021 at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. The outcome is detailed and commented hereinafter along with the performance results for each component of the compensation. Table summarizing the compensation paid or granted to the Chairman and CEO in 2021 The following table summarizes the compensation and benefits awarded or paid to the Chairman and CEO for the fiscal years 2021 and 2020, presented on a reported basis in accordance with AFEP-MEDEF guidelines as well as on a realized basis, where performance conditions assessment have ended in the reported fiscal year. Jean-Pascal Tricoire Chairman & Chief executive officer Compensation & benefits awarded for fiscal year Compensation & benefits realized in fiscal year (Euro) 2021 2020 2021 2020 A – CASH COMPENSATION Fixed compensation 1,000,000 875,000 1,000,000 875,000 Annual variable compensation (1) 1,990,300 1,048,775 1,990,300 1,048,775 Compensation in relation to the Director’s office 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL (A) (CASH) 2,990,300 1,923,775 2,990,300 1,923,775 B – LONG TERM INCENTIVE Valuation of the Performance Shares 3,326,329 (2) 2 , 8 97,70 0 (2) 10,022,858 (3) 6,968,935 (3) SUBTOTAL (B) LONG TERM INCENTIVE 3,326,329 2 , 8 97,70 0 10,022,858 6,968,935 C – PENSION CASH BENEFIT Complementary payment for pension building (fixed) 191,600 191,600 191,600 191,600 Complementary payment for pension building (variable) 381,341 229,652 381,341 229,652 SUBTOTAL (C) PENSION CASH BENEFIT 572,941 421,252 572,941 421,252 D – OTHER BENEFITS Other benefits (4) 56,637 3 6 ,124 56,637 3 6 ,124 SUBTOTAL (D) OTHER BENEFITS 56,637 3 6 ,124 56,637 3 6 ,124 TOTAL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS (A)+(B)+(C)+(D) 6,946,207 5,278,851 13,642,736 9,350,086 (1) The annual incentive for the fiscal year 2020 was paid in 2021 after approval by the shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 28, 2021 of the 6 th resolution relating to the compensation paid, due, or awarded to Jean-Pascal Tricoire in respect of the 2020 fiscal year. Hence, the total compensation in cash actually paid in the fiscal year 2021 to Jean-Pascal Tricoire amounts to €2,470,027 (2021 fixed compensation + 2020 annual incentive + fixed portion of pension benefit for 2021 + variable portion of pension benefit for 2020). Likewise, in accordance with Article L.22-10-34 II of the French Commercial Code, the variable elements in cash awarded to Jean-Pascal Tricoire for the financial year 2021 will only be paid in 2022, subject to their prior approval by the shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of May 5, 2022 under the 8 th resolution. (2) Value of Performance Shares granted during fiscal year – As per AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code methodology, compensation is presented on a reported basis. Long-term incentives for the fiscal year include Performance Shares granted during the fiscal year, the performance period of which has not elapsed. The value of Performance Shares corresponds to the number of shares granted, before reduction on account of performance, multiplied by the share price determined in line with IFRS accounting standards. (3) Value of Performance Shares deemed vested during the fiscal year – In order to facilitate the analysis, the Long-term incentives are also presented on realized value basis, where the value of Performance Shares corresponds to the actual number of shares (granted in previous years) deemed vested at the end of the fiscal year, after reduction for performance conditions, multiplied by the share price on December 31, 2020 or 2021, as the case may be. (4) Other benefits include company car, employer matching contributions to capital increase for employees or contributions to Employee Saving Plan and to collective Pension Saving Plan (PERCO) as well as benefits from French profit-sharing plan.

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