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107 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 2 – Sustainable development Strategic Report 2. In accordance with the 2017 French duty of vigilance law and its ambition to behave as an exemplary company, Schneider Electric implemented a specific vigilance plan. In 2021, Schneider reviewed and updated its “duty of vigilance risk matrix” which highlights human rights risks at its sites, as well as for suppliers, contractors, and local communities. Several actions are implemented to mitigate the highest identified risks in this matrix. For more details, see section “2.2.9 Vigilance plan”, page 112.  Group policy Schneider Electric’s human rights approach is articulated around three principles. 1. Schneider is committed to fully respecting and applying laws and regulations in all countries where it operates. 2. Schneider is committed to fostering and promoting human rights throughout all its operational sites and subsidiaries worldwide. 3. Schneider wishes to support human rights beyond its borders, leveraging its large network of partners and stakeholders to promote the implementation of actions that will ensure the respect of people’s rights. Human rights in the Trust Charter Through its Trust Charter, published in 2021, Schneider Electric is taking a strong position on what values it stands for. Human rights are fully embedded in this Trust Charter with guidance on the following challenges: • Create Equal Opportunities • Harness the Power of All Generations • Champion Well-Being and New Ways of Working • Be S.A.F.E. First • Reach the Highest Standards for Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, and Protection • Select and Manage Suppliers Responsibly • Empower Local Communities • Do not use “Conflict Minerals” • Protect the Vulnerable from Abusive Working Conditions • Respect the rights of Association, Representation, and Social Dialogue Global Human Rights Policy Schneider Electric has formulated a specific Global Human Rights Policy that defines its position on human rights. It is applicable to all Schneider permanent or temporary employees working on Group premises. It also aims to inspire external stakeholders. For all human rights risks identified above, and based on the “Protect, Respect, Remedy” principles, the policy provides a framework and gives guidance to employees and teams on how to behave in their daily operations or when facing a specific situation. In 2021, Schneider Electric has started to work on the second version of its Global Human Rights Policy, providing an update notably with the Company’s commitments regarding migrant workers and artificial intelligence. The full deployment is forecasted for the second quarter of 2022 including e-learnings and trainings modules. Alignment with international standards and frameworks Schneider Electric adheres to the following principles or guidelines: • The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. • The international human rights principles encompassed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out a common standard for all types of organization. • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which formulate recommendations for companies, including for the respect of human rights. • Since 2003, Schneider Electric is part of the United Nations Global Compact. In 2011, the United Nations issued the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which precisely define the roles and responsibilities of States and businesses on these matters. Schneider Electric is committed to these Guiding Principles and to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Specific policies In addition to its Trust Charter and the Global Human Rights Policy, Schneider Electric has implemented specific global policies to provide guidance in the following areas: Human resources • Diversity & Inclusion Policy: applies to the entire Company and covers all facets of diversity, as Schneider Electric wants to mirror the communities in which the Group operates. This policy is based on respect and dignity, which are the foundations for fairness and equity. • Family Leave Policy: provides a framework so that every employee, whatever the country of employment, can take some specific leave to enjoy some of life’s special moments with their families. • Anti-Harassment Policy: states Schneider Electric’s commitments to have zero-tolerance for any kind of harassment or offensive behavior. • Flexibility at Work Policy: defines global Flexibility at Work pathways, mandatory and recommended, to ensure consistency and equitable treatment in the application of flexible work arrangements across business units and countries for all eligible Schneider Electric employees. • Employee Benefits Policy: defines the global principles, standards, and governance for the provision of employee benefits at Schneider Electric. Health and safety • Health & Safety Policy: states the rules and guidelines applicable to all Schneider Electric employees, and also to specific populations performing specialized tasks. It is supported by learning tools, and it is the subject of an annual “Global Health & Safety Day”. • Travel Policy: defines the rules applicable to travelers, including the safety guidelines, procedures, and processes to ensure the safety of Schneider business travelers at all times. • Security Policy: defines the global scope of security applicable to all entities, locations, and activities. This policy also emphasizes the crucial role of managers to ensure security.

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