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267 Life Is On | Schneider Electric Chapter 4 – Corporate Governance Report Corporate Governance 4. 4.1 Governance Report 268 4.1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors 270 4.1.2 Organizational and operating procedures of the Board of Directors 287 4.1.3 Board activities 299 4.1.4 Operating procedures and activities of the Board committees 300 4.1.5 Report of the Vice-Chairman & Lead Independent Director of the Board of Directors 308 4.1.6 Senior management 309 4.1.7 Regulated agreements and commitments 310 4.2 Compensation Report 311 4.2.1 Overview 311 4.2.2 Report on the compensation granted or paid during the 2021 fiscal year (say on pay ex-post ) 313 4.2.3 Compensation policy for the 2022 fiscal year (say on pay ex-ante ) 325 4.2.4 Compensation of Group Senior Management (excluding Corporate Officers) 336 4.2.5 Long-term incentive plans 337 Corporate Governance Report 4

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