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Supplier Key Expectations 8 Last revised : October 202 1 Fair Business Practices Schneider Electric expects from its employees and its supplier s the highest standards of fair business practices and ethical conduct in all of endeavours. • Business Ethics Suppliers shall conduct their business in an ethical manner and act with integrity . Suppliers shall always be ethical in every aspect of their busi ness, including relationships, practices, purchasing, and operations. A ll forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement are clearly prohibited . Suppliers are also expected to report to Schneider Electric any b usiness misconduct from a Schneider employee. • Transparency in doing business and reporting Information regarding Suppliers’ labor, health and safety, environmental practices, business activities, structure, financial situation and performance is to be disclosed in accordance with applicable regulations and prevailing industry practices. • Intellectual Property Intellectual pro perty rights are to be respected; transfer of technology and know - how is to be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights; and, customer information is to be safeguarded. Suppliers should be aware of counterfeiting risks and to all extent possible, protect Schneider from receiving counterfeit products or sub - components. • Partnering in Glo bal Initiative Schneider Electric encourages its supplier s to actively engage in its global initiatives . Effective actions, e specially related to c limate change , d ecent work and social excellence is a Schneider Electric requirement f or ‘recommended’ and strategic suppliers . Grievance R edressal • Protection of Identity and Non - Retaliation Supplier s ’ should implement a p ro cess that allows the employees to raise a concern without fear of retaliation. The process should ensure the confidentiality, anonymity and protection of the employee s/ whistleblowers are maintained. Inspection and C orrective A ctions To ensure and demonstrate compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct, the suppliers sha ll keep record of all relevant information and provide Schneider Electric supporting documentation upon request. Schneider reserves the right to engage, visit, inspect o r audit the suppliers, with or without support of third party, to ensure that all tenets of this Supplier Code of Conduct are satisfactorily met. If the results of such an exercise cause us to be lieve that suppliers do not comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct, suppliers shall take necessary corrective actions in a timely manner, as directed by us. If case of failure we may act , including suspending or terminating activities as one of our suppliers.

Suppliers Code of Conduct - Page 8 Suppliers Code of Conduct Page 7 Page 9