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Supplier Key Expectations 6 Last revised : October 202 1 H uman Rights & Decent Working Conditions Suppliers are committed to uphold the human rights of workers, treat them with dignity and respect and ensure decent working conditions as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) . This applies to all workers including temporary, migrant, student, contract, direct employees, and any other type of worker and extends to the suppliers in the subsequent tiers . • Child l abour & y oung worker Employment of child labour is strictly prohibited in any form . The term child refers to any individual, under the age of 15 or under legal minimum age, as defined by local law - whichever is higher. In case of employing young workers (15 years - 18 years) , appropriate safeguards should be implemented to prevent exposure to hazardous working conditions. In case of employing students or interns as part of educational trainings, legal minimum age criteria must be respected. All appropriate measures required for young workers or interns, especially relat e d to nature of work, duration of work, compensation and maintenance of necessary records should be strictly adhered. • Freely chosen e mployment No individual shall be employed against their will. Forced, bonded (including debt bondage), involuntary prison labo r or victims of slavery , human trafficking , coercion shall not be used in employment. All employees should have basic liberty, dignity, freedom of movement and clearly written contracts in language that is understandable to them . Wor kers should have freedom to leave the employment at reasonable notice without any penalty or obstruction . The suppliers, any agent/intermediary, shall not withhold original documents, wages of the workers, migrant or otherwise . • Working hours and weekly o ff Supplier should ensure that working hours, including overtime, should not exceed applicable legal requirements, and where such requirements do not exist, the working hours should not exceed sixty hours per week including overtime . Workers should get at least one day off after six days of subsequent work. • Wages and benefits Compensation extended to the workers should be more than the legal minimum standards , at least equal to, living wages based on the place of work done . This should include the legal ly mandated benefits for workers such as social security, paid leaves etc . In case of overtime work, the wage should be paid at premium rate. All wage calculation s , including payment and standard deductions should be done in a clear and transparent manner and communicated in written form, e.g. wage slip, in a language that is understandable to the worker. No disciplinary deduction of wages should be done .

Suppliers Code of Conduct - Page 6 Suppliers Code of Conduct Page 5 Page 7