AI Content Chat (Beta) logo Schneider Electric 4 2021 Trust Report 1 T rust Charter, Schneider Electric’s Code of Conduct In 2021, Schneider Electric evolved its Principles of Responsibility to the Trust Charter, acting as our Code of Conduct and demonstrating our commitment to ethics , safety , sustainability , quality , and cybersecurity . Schneider Electric believes that trust is a foundational value. It is earned, it serves as a compass, showing the true north in an ever more complex world and Schneider Electric considers it to be core to its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments. As trust fuels empowerment, each section of the charter states clear do’s and don’ts and provides clear references to relevant policies and procedures, which are adapted to meet local legal requirements when necessary. This Code of Conduct applies to everyone working at Schneider or any of Schneider’s subsidiaries. It is both an individual and collective responsibility to comply and respect laws and regulations, to apply Schneider Electric policies, and to uphold strong ethical principles to earn trust at all times. 1.1 E arning trust with people Trust powers all Schneider Electric’s interactions with stakeholders and all relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, and the communities they serve, in a meaningful, inclusive, and positive way. With this in mind, the document is organized across four chapters: • T rusted Teams that are built thanks to leaders setting the tone and exemplifying Schneider Electric’s culture, as well as through creating equal opportunities, harnessing the power of all generations, championing well-being and new ways of working, and being S.A.F.E. First; • T rust with Customers and Partners is earned by striving for high quality, resiliency, the highest standards for cybersecurity, data privacy and protection, as well as prohibiting any form of corruption, requiring third-party integrity, avoiding conflict of interest, upholding fair competition, abiding by export controls and sanctions, and selecting and managing suppliers responsibly; • T rust with Investors comes from preventing insider trading, delivering accurate financial statements, records, and tax information, delivering solutions in compliance with financial and risk management standards, and preserving our information technology and related intellectual property assets as well as Schneider Electric’s reputation; • T rust with Communities is possible by acting for a climate positive world, being efficient with resources, upholding responsible lobbying and political activity, empowering local communities, not using “conflict minerals”, and acting as good corporate citizens. 1.2 C ommunication and training for all employees Schneider Electric trains all its employees yearly on essential topics. 2021 was a transition year, and as such employees were assigned training on the Principles of Responsibility and informed, through this course, of the upcoming transition to the Trust Charter on September 30. The course was made available as e-learning for connected employees, and an in-class version for non-connected employees. The training completion rate for all Schneider Electric eligible employees at the end of the campaign was 99% (connected employees: 99% completion; non-connected employees: 98% completion). A new mandatory training for all employees dedicated to the Trust Charter will be part of the 2022 campaign. In addition to the Trust Charter being available in 30 languages on, a Trust Portal was made available to Schneider’s employees to link them towards related content such as policies, useful contacts, sites, guidelines, templates, and reports for each section of the Trust Charter. In 2021, we saw an increase of global policy views of +61% compared with 2020. Leadership at every level of the organization was involved in the design, creation, and deployment of the Trust Charter to ensure that everyone at Schneider Electric is aware of the importance of trust and understands how to get the most out of our Code of Conduct. Discover ou r Trust C harter with  TRUST T e a m s C u s t o m e r s a n d P a r t n e r s C u s t o m e r s a n d P a r t n e r s I n v e s t o r s C o m m u n i t i e s E t h i c s C y b e r s e c u r i t y S a f e t y Q u a l i t y S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

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