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7 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Trust Report 2.2.2 Code of Conduct and policies To ensure that the tools are provided to follow the Trust Charter, it is complemented by global and local policies, providing specific answers to the different principles, legal obligations, and local practices. On ethics and compliance matters, Schneider Electric has deployed several policies: • Anti-Corruption Policy (align ed with French Sapin II law requirements), • G ifts & Hospitality Policy, • Competition Law Policy, • Business Agent Policy, • Anti-Harassment Policy, • Human Rights Policy, and • Export Control Policy. • In 2021, Schneider published and rolled out a new Conflic t o f Interest Policy and a ne w Donations Policy. 2.2.3 Training and awareness At Schneider Electric, we value training, at both local and global levels as it is the best way to prevent risks and raise awareness on ethical topics. Each year a global campaign of mandatory trainings is run for all employees, called Schneider Essentials , from March to end of September. These global trainings are available in 18 different languages in our Learning Management System and each takes 30 mins to complete. In 2021, Schneider Essentials trainings were: • Tr ust Charter, • Cy bersecurity for Schneider Electric, • Bu ilding a culture of respect, and • Su stainability at the Core of our Purpose. For about 40,000 employees exposed to corruption risks, an additional anti-corruption training is required each year. Through Schneider Sustainability Essentials #13, the Group monitors and discloses each quarter completion rate on ethics (Trust Charter and anti-corruption for eligible employees) and cybersecurity trainings, aiming for 100% each year and externally audit annual performance. At the end of 2021, SSE #13 reached 96% completion rate. A dedicated module on Ethics & Compliance was prepared for the induction path for Country Presidents. The module raises Country Presidents awareness about their role and responsibility in supporting the Ethics & Compliance program. Besides training of our employees, since 2020 and as part of the integration process of companies acquired, a specific training for leaders of the acquired company is organized through the Ethics & Compliance program. The training entails a specific focus on what is expected from the leadership teams, including endorsing the program and actively following up employees completion of mandatory trainings on Trust Charter and anti-corruption. In November 2020, Schneider Electric organized its first global “Ethics & Compliance Day” campaign in order to promote the Company’s values on business ethics and to bring a focus on the need of a working environment that promotes a speak-up culture. A second “Ethics & Compliance Day” took place in June 2021, focusing on raising awareness about biases of ethical thinking. Furthermore, in-person learnings were organized in sensitive geographic areas regarding ethics and compliance challenges (Brazil, India) or in locations where a specific risk is higher (such as the export control risk). 100% of employees trained every year on Cybersecurity and Ethics Feedback received from our employees confirm that our trainings efficiently help them to act as “integrity ambassadors”. Cybersecurity training: “Very much anchored in real life both professional and personal. Did not see the 30m pass. Way to go!” Principles of Responsibility training: “I love the fact that this course reminds you the basics and makes you use your brain and put yourself in the shoes of colleagues in difficult situations. Love the voice of so many of our colleagues too!” Anticorruption training: “The content is simple and easy to understand. This is a must for any Schneider employee.” Tr ust SSE #13 100% 90% Baseline 2025 target 2021 Progress 0 100 96%

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