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153 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report Taking inspiration from the pioneering work of ILO, Schneider has defined 10 pillars of Decent Work: 1. Employment opportunities; 2. Adequate earnings and productive work; 3. Decent working hours; 4. Stability and security of work; 5. Social dialogue and workplace relations; 6. Fair treatment in employment; 7. Safe work; 8. Social protection; 9. Purchasing practices; and 10. Balancing work and family life. The program requires strategic suppliers to develop a pro-active policy and provide a safe, attractive, inclusive workplace to their employees, and treat all workers as we treat our own workforce. Criteria defined for each Decent Work pillar may overlap with ISO26000 standard and are validated by Global Procurement, Human Resources, Supply Chain and Sustainability teams. The suppliers will be assessed through remote questionnaires supported by relevant documentation as well as onsite visits, spot audits and their performance will be monitored by experts. All questions have a minimum acceptable answer defined. Suppliers responses will be evaluated against the minimum acceptable criteria to qualify as Decent Work compliant. Program deployment is ensured by Global Procurement Services to onboard, train and assess suppliers. Through Decent Work standard setting and compliance, Schneider employment aims to enhance social integration, equity, security, dignity, satisfaction and overall improvement in the quality of life for the workers, and their family. For each Decent Work issue identified, the Global Procurement team will ask for corrective actions to be undertaken and supported by documentation. If the supplier effectively deploys corrective actions, it can be counted in the KPI calculation. Otherwise, it is still counted as non-compliant regarding the requirements of the program. A pilot for this indicator will be launched early 2022. As such, this KPI is excluded from the 2021 SSI score computation, and will be integrated in 2022. The methodology for this indicator was reviewed by Ernst & Young. SSI #7: Measure the level of confidence of our employees to report behaviors against our principles of Trust Speak-Up helps to maintain high standards, a strong reputation, and a healthy and productive working environment, and protects Schneider Electric and its employees from multiple risks. Misconduct situations will be less likely to occur if people, employees and stakeholders feel safe to speak up about concerns, dilemmas or issues in good faith, respectfully and without fear of retaliation. Our Trust Charter and Ethics & Compliance program participate to transform this belief into practical actions, notably offering multiple fair, neutral and confidential reporting channels to our employees to make them feel confident to report an unethical conduct. In order to assess this KPI, the question “I can report an instance of unethical conduct without fear” is annually asked to all Schneider Electric employees included in the OneVoice survey scope. The percentage of “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” amongst the answers determines the level of confidence of Schneider Employees to report unethical conduct. Responses are anonymized and aggregated for compliance purposes. This indicator was calculated for the first time in 2021 and reached an 81/100 performance. As such, this KPI is excluded from the 2021 SSI score computation, and will be integrated in 2022. The methodology for this indicator was reviewed by Ernst & Young. SSI #8: Increase gender diversity, from hiring (50%) to front-line managers (40%) and leadership teams (30%) Schneider Electric is strongly committed to building a diverse organization at every level, with a workforce that reflects the diverse markets in which we operate. This indicator measures female representation within Schneider, at the hiring, frontline manager, and leadership level. It covers all new hires within the company, including both non direct variable costs (NDVC i.e. white-collar) and direct variable costs (DVC i.e. blue-collar) positions; managers who are in NDVC positions, at the junior and mid-management level and whose direct reports are individual contributors only; and all leaders in Senior Vice Presidents & Vice Presidents positions. This is a composite indicator: the progress of each metric (new hires, frontline managers, leaders) is being evenly weighted (1/3) to calculate the achievement of this commitment. At the end of each quarter, • Percentage of female new hires : Count number of new hires that are women divided by total new hires in the current year *100. • Percentage of female frontline managers : Count number of frontline managers that are women divided by total frontline manager population *100 • Percentage of female leaders : Count of women leaders divided by count total leaders *100 • Blended achievement percentage : Weighted 1/3, based on annual % progression from Base Year to total 5-year achievement. − 50% new hires progression: Subtract current period % of women who are new hires from 2020 base line and divide by targeted 5-year progression target (9%). − 40% frontline managers progression: Subtract current period % of women who are frontline managers from 2020 base line and divide by targeted 5-year progression target (15%). − 30% leaders progression: Subtract current period % of women who are leaders from 2020 base line and divide by targeted 5-year progression target (6%). − Calculate blended progression achievement %: 1/3 of each KPI current period progression This indicator was audited by Ernst & Young. SSI #9: Provide access to green electricity to 50 million people Schneider aims to provide access to electricity from renewable sources to 50 million people, thanks to the products and solutions that are developed and/or commercialized under the Access to Energy (A2E) program, from 2009 to end-2025.

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