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21 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Internal Stakeholders External stakeholders Governance and Ethics Product stewardship Mission Social Environment Society Sustainable supply chain Becoming a leader of the circular economy and rethinking our resource footprint Being a role model in the effective reduction Decarbonizing our supply chain Guaranteeing cybersecurity of products and solutions Guaranteeing a 100% responsible offer Guaranteeing quality and safety of products Actively contributing to the rise of the industry 4.0 Guaranteeing optimal working health and safety conditions for our employees Developing regional value chains Aiming for zero corruption at all levels, in the whole value chain Promoting diversity and inclusion in all our professions, countries and operations Advocating an all electric and all digital world Facilitating renewable energy production Ensuring an expert and representative governance for long term sustainable value Being exemplary in the management of our customers and partners data Ensuring customer due diligence Becoming a key player in electric mobility Aiming for environmental excellence at our sites Ensuring our employees well-being in and out of the workplace Supporting our employees in the transformation of their profession Being a recognized access to energy player Ensuring an exemplary influence policy Contributing to the fight against energy poverty Ensuring fair pay for our employees Ensuring digital sobriety Contributing to training and education in energy & digital professions Ensuring social dialogue Limiting global impact on biodiversity, in our whole value chain Ensuring exemplary tax practices of our own CO 2 emissions Guaranteeing high social and environmental standards for subcontractors and suppliers Becoming a key player for a net zero carbon built environment* Materiality matrix Top four expectations The materiality matrix above displays the results of the analysis, which can be summarized in four megatrends: 1 Leading climate action in our ecosystem with our partners. 2 Pioneering circular economy and being efficient with resources. 3 Ensuring a fair transition and guaranteeing high ethical, social, and environmental standards along more local value chains. 4 Leverage digital in cybersecure solutions to boost positive impact. The 2021 registration document, Schneider Electric’s commitments for the climate (see page 70), and the 2021-2025 Schneider Sustainability Impact cover all these priority challenges through Group policies, improvement plans, indicators, and short or long-term goals.

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