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19 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report 1.5 Open dialog with stakeholders 1.5.1 Focused dialog with clearly identified stakeholders This diagram is an overview of sector stakeholders proposed in France by Gimélec, the French trade association for electrical equipment, automation, and related services. Schneider Electric engages in open and continuous dialog with each of its stakeholders. In particular, the Sustainability department takes into account the comments, ratings, and evaluations from stakeholders on the Group’s Sustainability Policy and programs. This feedback is integrated into the drawing up of the registration document, the Group corporate brochure (Schneider Sustainability Report), the integrated report, and new improvement plans throughout the Company program, as well as during the design of the SSI every three years. Buildings, Industry, Infrastructure and Energy Non-Governmental Organizations, Media, etc. Social Partners and Bodies, UIMM, etc. Legislators, European Commission ILO, OECD, etc. Other Standardization Bodies, Teaching and Research, Independent Experts, etc. SRI, Financial and Extra-Financial Analysts, etc. Groups and Professional Unions, Consortiums, JV, etc. Local Residents and Territorial Collectivities Contractors, Integrators, OEM, Systems Manufacturers, Distributors Employees Authorities and Global Compact Standardization Bodies IEC and Product Certication Shareholders, Investors, Banks and Insurers Suppliers and Subcontractors Gimélec companies C i v i l s o c i e t y S o c i a l C u s t o m e r s P a r t n e r s F i n a n c i a l I n s t i t u t i o n a l T e c h n i c a l The table below presents the major dialog channels with stakeholders. It is not exhaustive. Stakeholder Dialog Department Customers Quarterly customer satisfaction surveys Co-innovation programs Online publication of environmental information on products Quality, Customer Satisfaction, R&D, Sales, EcoDesign Financial Quarterly conference calls to present financial and extra-financial information, meetings and plenary meetings Regular meetings with individual shareholders Quarterly newsletters to shareholders Response to extra-financial rating questionnaires Individual meetings with SRI analysts Response to SRI analyst questions Finance, Secretary of the Board, Sustainability Partners Purchaser/supplier meetings Suppliers’ day Supplier qualification process Awareness-raising about the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000 Participation in commissions and work groups on the sustainability of professional groups Procurement, Environment, R&D, Businesses, Sustainability Social Yearly employee satisfaction survey Social dialog with employee representation bodies Sustainability Open lines Human Resources, Sustainability Technical Collaborative approach, creation, and participation in competitiveness cluster initiatives, R&D programs, university chairs, and professional associations Active participation in international standardization bodies PEP Ecopassport program R&D, Activities, Environment Institutional Commitment to and promotion of the United Nations Global Compact Relationships with public authorities, legislators, and the European Commission, especially in the field of energy efficiency Sustainability, Purchases, Influence Civil society Participation in working groups and local and international organizations on challenges within our industry Community programs Partnerships with local NGOs According to subject and audience, Foundation, and Access to Energy program

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