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23 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report Topic Commitment Smart grids and sustainable cities International : Grid Edge Executive Council (Greentech Media); OpenADR Alliance; Peak Load Management Alliance; IEEE (T&D and Power and Electronics Society); Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP); Association for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE); Urban Infrastructure Initiative led by the WBCSD; Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA); ISGAN (International Smart Grid Action Network); Europe : T&D Europe (the European association of the electricity transmission and distribution equipment and services industry, President, Executive Committee), Orgalim (Infrastructure Task Force); CAPIEL (European Coordinating Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Switchgear and Controlgear); smartEn (Smart Energy Europe, Chairman of the Board); United States : Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (Raleigh, North Carolina); Fort Collins Cleantech Cluster (Colorado); Bay Area Climate Collaborative (SF Bay); North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC, Functional Model Demand Response Advisory Team); Pacific Northwest Demand Response program; Think Smart grids; Tenerrdis Energy Cluster. Circular economy and product environmental performance Circular economy initiatives and product environmental performance deliver product with lower environmental impact and full transparency on environmental attributes. International : Ellen MacArthur Foundation membership; PEP ecoPassport (Product Environment Profile, Presidency), PEP ecoPassport was selected by EU as leader of PEF (Product Environment Footprint) experimentation phase (2020-2021) for EEE cluster (Electric and Electronic Equipment), for promotion of transparent, robust and digital Product Environmental information; National Initiatives : AFEP (Circular economy working group); AFNOR Circular Economy; Gimélec (chairmanship of strategic taskforce for Circular Economy); MTES/Feuille de Route Économie Circulaire (active contributions, working groups). Access to energy Access to energy is a fundamental human right and a means for social and economic development. The pooling of forces and the sharing of knowledge between actors are essential to advance public policies, capacity building, new technologies or innovative financing. International : Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE); Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL); International Finance Corporation (IFC) Energy2Equal initiative (Empowering Women in Africa’s Renewable Energy Sector); Solar Impulse Foundation. National Initiatives : ADEME (French Ecological Transition Agency); Renewable Energy Trade Association (SER); HEC Movement for Social & Business Impact. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Schneider Electric’s diversity, equity, and inclusion ambition is to offer equal opportunities to everyone everywhere. The Group wants its employees – no matter who they are, or where in the world they live – to feel uniquely valued and safe to contribute their best. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is a moral as well as a business imperative as a diversity of people and an environment of inclusion leads to greater engagement, performance, and innovation. International : Signatory of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP); Committed to the UN Generation Equality Forum; Signatory of the OECD Global Deal; Member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Partnership for New Work Standards; Signatory of the Women’s Forum climate charter; Member of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network (GBDN); Member of the Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA). National Initiatives : Diversity Charter; Agreement for professional gender equality; Parenthood Charter; Disability Agreement; Agreement on inter-generational mechanism; Apprenticeship Agreement; Signatory of PaQte, a collective of companies working to be more inclusive with specific action plans for working-class neighborhood; Youth and regional development with associations (FACE, 100 Chances 100 Emplois, Energie Jeunes, ADIE, GEFLUC). Education International : Training program in energy management for disadvantaged people, in partnership with local vocational training centers and/or national or international non-profit organizations. National Initiatives : Schneider electric school, framework agreements with the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, partnerships with the continuing education network of UIMM, Ingénieurs Pour l’École network (IPE), selected by the Ministry of Education for the Digital School project. Ethics and human rights International : Transparency International, Global Compact LEAD (Decent Work in Global Supply Chains); Member and co-leader of the B4IG coalition’s “Advancing human rights in direct operations and supply chains” working group; IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative. National Initiatives : Cercle éthique des affaires (Business ethics club, Board of Directors); Club Droits Humains (Human rights club) of Global Compact France; Entreprises pour les droits de l’homme (Businesses for Human Rights). Biodiversity Livelihoods (carbon offset fund for biodiversity and rural communities), act4Nature Initiative; Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) – Positive Biodiversity Businesses club (B4B+) membership. Philanthropy International : International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), more than 70 NGOs supported each year in over 35 countries; The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA). National Initiatives : Fondation de France , Admical ( Association pour le développement du mécénat industriel et commercial , member of the European network CERES); IMS- Entreprendre pour la cité ; Centre français des fonds et fondations ; Alliance pour le Mécénat de compétences . The Rénovons initiative/CLER the energy transition network; Hope, la chaire pour lutter contre la Précarité Energétique/Fondation Grenoble INP; Stop à l’exclusion énergétique/Fondation des transitions .

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