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101 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Sustainable Development Report 4.3.2 Group policy Schneider Electric strives to distinguish itself through innovative green offers as mentioned in the Environment Policy. This ambition is articulated through: • De signing energy-efficient, low CO 2 , serviceable, and safe offers; • Hel ping customers improve their environmental performance; • Pr oviding digital environmental information on offers. To reach such ambitions, Schneider is committed to: • In vest in R&D to create energy-efficient and environment- friendly solutions; • Cr eate new eco-designed products and solutions and develop lifecycle thinking; • In vent circular offers and business models, through products that can be reused, repaired, retrofitted, refurbished, and recycled, as well as through end-of-life services; • Pr ovide transparent and digitized information on the environmental information and benefits of offers; • Del iver continuous improvement in product stewardship through the Green Premium ™ portfolio. 4.3.3 Green Premium ™ Lau nched in 2008, Schn eider Electric’s Green Premium ™ program was created to provide its customers with more sustainable products and to be transparent with environmental information. Since t hen, G reen P remium ™ has been the absolute warranty for the Group to deliver products that comply with RoHS and REACH regulations a s well a s being p erfectly t ransparent b y del ive ring environmental d isclosures a nd en d-of-life i nstructions. The program has evolved over the last few years to int egrate Schneider’s EcoDesign Way ™ process as well as green value propositions for an enhanced differentiation. As a n e xample, S chn eider em bedded ne w durability v alue propositions such as the “take-back” program in Green Premium ™ . Customers w ho have purchased o ne of the A PC Un interruptable Power S upplies ( UPS) ha ve ac cess t o complimentary r ecycling when the battery in the product reaches its end of usable life. In 2021, this service collected around 14,000 tonnes of batteries globally f or r ecycling. In 2021, the main objectives for the Green Premium ™ program were to: • En sure compliance with the latest regulations within an even more demanding context; • De velop new environmental claims within products for higher performance and a clearer differentiation; • Pr epare the digitization of environmental information and ease data sharing with partners; • Pr epare the future of product stewardship for the years to come by developing competencies within the Company. Schneider Electric is redefining the program that will encompass three pillars in 2022: Trust, Transparency, and Performance: • Trust mea ns for Schneider to continue to be transparent with customers provi ding RoHS and REACH substance information a nd going beyond regulations by applying the same rules regardless of the geographies. That is and will remain the core of the Green Premium ™ program. • Transparency is the warranty from Schne ider to disclose in a digital way the environmental impacts of its products, th eir end- of-life treatment, as well as any environment-related attribute meaningful for customers. This is crucial in the Group’s strategy, as the first step for improvement is measurement and quantification. • P erformance is Schneider’s commitment to deliver products with reduced e nvironmental impact. Performance can take several forms: − Usage of lower impact materials (i.e., recycled plastics ); − Enhanced product recyclability to reduce waste and loss of critical raw materials; − E nergy efficient products with at least 10% of improved energy efficiency with respect to the market average o r t o previous generations; − I mproved durability and the ability to function as required under defined conditions of use, maintenance, and repair, until a final limiting state is reached (which should be at least 5% higher than market average); − The ability to provide SF 6 -free products; − Repair parts of products easily. Green Premium ™ information, including conformity declaration, Product Environmental Profiles (PEP), and End of Life Instructions, are digitally available 24/7 for customers in the technical data sheet of the online catalog, in the mySchneider mobile app, and on the “Check a Product” website at Digital environment disclosure (PEP) Lower Impact Materials Recyclability Circularity Profiles to provide guidance on responsible product end-of-life treatments Energy efficiency Durability Transparent environment attributes (ie. Mercury-/Lead-/PVC-free) Sustainable packaging SF 6 -free Reparability Transparency Minimal use of hazardous substances in, and beyond, compliance with regulations (RoHS, REACH). Tr ust Performance

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