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9 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 People Report 2.4 A d iverse workforce 2.4.1 G ender balance Schneider Electric is strongly committed to building a diverse organization at every level. In that context, the Group has identified increasing the share of women in its workforce and leadership as an absolute priority. Schneider Electric’s journey to become a more gender balanced organization began more than 10 years ago. The Group stated ambitions on increasing female representation in the overall workforce and in specific segments like leadership roles, and technical and sales functions. Because they are a key internal leadership talent pool, Schneider Electric has been focusing on hiring and including more women in sales and technical roles. As of end 2021, women made up 34% of IT roles with a hiring rate of 41%, and 17% of engineering roles, with a hiring rate of 27%. Similarly, as of end of 2021, women made up 21% of the sales population, with a 31% hiring rate. Overall, women account for 20% of revenue- producing roles at Schneider Electric, with a hiring rate of 30%. While significant progress has been made in the representation of women, especially on the Board and Executive Committee level (respectively, 42% and 44% female as of end of 2021), the Company recognizes that there is still a need to accelerate efforts at lower levels in the organization. 2025 gender diversity commitment In 2021, Schneider Electric renewed its commitment to gender balance with the 2021 – 2025 SSI gender balance KPI, 50/40/30 – women representing 50% of all new hires, 40% of frontline managers, and 30% of senior leadership by 2025. This new commitment is both a testament to the progress the Group has made so far and a clear signal that it intends to double- down on its efforts to achieve more gender balance across all levels of the organization. At the leadership level, we focus on 30% representation because research has shown that 30% is the tipping point for diversity to have a real impact on teams. This approach is informed by critical mass theory, which takes its roots in physics, where a minimum ‘critical mass’ is needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. When it comes to diversity on teams, 30% has been identified as the critical mass number. To get to that level of representation in leadership, we need to build a strong pipeline for female talents to grow within the organization and access senior levels. This starts with a strong commitment to reach gender-balance in hiring and continues with efforts to promote and develop women internally. Schneider Electric is also committed to removing the structural and social barriers hindering women’s career progression through a holistic strategy promoting gender equality in STEM and within the organization, and through targeted career development initiatives. In 2019, the Company revitalized its commitment to gender equity in leadership roles and partnered with INSEAD to launch the Schneider Women Leaders’ Program (SWLP) – a global program with a common cause, enabling more women at their mid-career point to build the skills and confidence to step up their leadership capability and impact. The SWLP program is a seven-month coaching and virtual workshop experience, culminating in a three- day virtual global summit, bringing the graduating women together with senior Schneider leaders and world-class business school faculty. Since its inception in 2019, more than 230 women have benefited from this targeted leadership development program. In addition to SWLP, a new program called “How Women Rise” was launched for Schneider employees in several countries. Over the last couple of years, this leadership program has benefitted more than 1000 women. Employee Resource Networks (ERNs) also play a large role in empowering women locally and helping drive efforts to advance women in leadership. As of the end of 2021, local ERNs have contributed to the Group’s efforts towards gender equality and inclusion in more than 40 countries. Initiatives in France In France, Schneider Electric Industries and Schneider Electric France (SEI-SEF) continue to partner with Elles Bougent (an association of women engineers), C Génial Foundation (a foundation promoting STEM jobs), and MEDEF (union of employers) to promote technical roles in schools and break gender stereotypes around specific careers. Thanks to this French Women in Tech network set-up in 2014, as of the end of 2021, more than 100 technicians and female engineers have been able to meet with over 12,000 pupils, on Schneider Electric sites or virtually. In 2019, SEI-SEF also launched an annual year-long mentoring program where high potential women are paired with senior leaders. The focus of this program is to increase both the promotion of female talents and their access to leadership positions. From 2019 to 2021, a total of 41 women have benefited from this initiative. * T otal new hires – all new hires in 2021. ** F rontline management – junior and mid-level management whose direct reports are individual contributors only. *** L eadership – Vice-Presidents and above. Overall Workforce Total New Hires* Frontline management** Leadership*** 66% 34% 59% 41% 73% 27% 74% 26% Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male 50% 2025 target 40% 2025 target 30% 2025 target

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