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Human Rights Global Policy - Version 1 4 / 9 Our Vision As a leading and influential company, operating in most countries, Schneider Electric commits to operate in a responsible manner worldwide. Sustainability is a t the heart of our company strategy and we are convinced that access to energy is a basic human right. In 2011 the United Nations issued the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights that precisely defined the roles and responsibilities of states and businesses. As a business leader, Schneider Electric intends to follow and promote these principles. With this Human Rights Global Policy, Schneider Electric confirms its engagement to strive for the respect of all internationally recognized Human Rig hts, along its value chain. The Executive Vice - President of Global Human Resources is responsible for operationalizing and deploying this Policy throughout Schneider Electric with the active support of the Sustainable Development department, the Global S upply Chain, the territories, and the compliance functions. « As a global company, Schneider Electric’s responsibility goes beyond fulfilling regulatory and legal requirements, especially in the field of Human Rights » Jean - Pascal TRICOIRE Chairman & CEO

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