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13 Life Is On | Schneider Electric 2021 Climate Report Global, regional, and site energy reporting is delivered with the EcoStruxure ™ Resource Advisor software suite. EcoStruxure ™ Resource Advisor provides a data visualization and analysis application that aggregates volumes of raw energy data into actionable information. EcoStruxure ™ Resource Advisor is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) model, it provides reduced solution costs, increased data storage capacity, and a flexible and mobile energy solution enhanced by Schneider Electric expert services. The Group is a member of EP100 (Energy Productivity 100), a Climate Group initiative. Its target is to double energy productivity by 2030 against the 2005 baseline, meaning double the economic output from every unit of energy consumed within 25 years. In 2021, the Group achieved 76% energy productivity (against a 2030 target of 100%) compared against 2005. In general, Schneider sites are low consumers of energy compared with other industries because industrial processes are discrete and assembled. The Schneider Energy Action program uses site energy experts along with Schneider’s Sustainability Business consulting team to report and analyze energy consumption, to identify energy saving opportunities, and to deploy actions. Since 2005, the Group has fixed annual objectives for energy efficiency each year. Schneider met or exceeded its energy efficiency goals during the previous four Company programs (2009–2011, 2012– 2014, 2015–2017, and 2018–2020), by achieving 10%, 13%, 10%, and 10%, respectively, totaling over 40% reduction from 2009 to 2021. The 2021–2025 Company program aims to reduce energy consumption by a further 15% over five years compared to 2019 (SSE #5). 15% energy efficiency in our sites The Group measures energy efficiency in its 200+ largest energy-consuming sites, accounting for 85% of the total energy consumption of the Group. At the end of 2021, this program enabled the following achievements: • A bout EUR 5 million and 65 million kWh were saved in 2021 compared to 2019 baseline. • A bout EUR 5.2 million was invested, of which EUR 5 million was capital costs and EUR 0.2 million was operating costs. Resources SSE #5 15% 0% Baseline 2025 target 2021 Progress 0 100 6.6% Annual energy productivity progress against 2030 EP100 target (vs 2005) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2030 45% 54% 72% 69% 76% 100% A nnual progress Target 4.2 R E100: switch to 100% renewable electricity by 2030 In 2017, Schneider Electric joined RE100 and committed to source 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2030, with an intermediary target of 90% by 2025. In 2021, the Group sourced 82% of its electricity from renewable sources, up from a starting point of 2% in 2017. To deliver its target, the Group leverages four complementary tools: green tariffs, renewable certificates, power purchase agreements, and on-site generation. This commitment entails many benefits. First and foremost, going green is deeply aligned with the Group’s strategy. Schneider wants to be one of the corporate players who shape the future energy landscape, having its own sites producing and consuming renewable electricity. Second, renewable sourcing is an important pillar to drastically cut down CO 2 emissions from the Group’s operations, following a 1.5°C trajectory in line with Science-Based Targets. Third, because it makes good business sense. In a lot of cases, renewable supply enables savings on electricity costs. It is also a way of diversifying energy supply risks and reduces exposure to the volatility of market prices. Also, in some developing countries, microgrid technologies coupled with renewables can enable the securing of power supply and reduce downtime risks. Fourth, because the Group wants to demonstrate the value add of its own technologies and solutions, by showcasing EcoStruxure ™ Microgrid IoT architecture on its own sites. Sites leverage Schneider Electric’s connected inverters, Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB), and transformers to connect on-site solar panels to the grid and use the energy and microgrid software to manage energy production and consumption. Schneider also leverages the expertise of the Sustainability Business consulting teams to deliver this transformation.

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