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Anti - Corruption Policy – Version 3 – September 2021 3 Internal 1. Our vision “No company will survive in the long term if it acts against the interest of the Society” Jean - Pascal Tricoire, CEO and Chairman At Schneider Electric, we act ethically and responsibly. It is the only way to build an attractive and sustainable company. With this Anti - Corruption Policy , we, on Group Executive Committee’s behalf, reassert a zero - tolerance policy toward corruption, bribery and all other unethical practices. The fight against corruption has intensified. More and more countries enforce strict anti - corruption regulations. Cross - border judicial cooperation has taken corruption investigations and prosecutions to a new level, focusing on corporate liability but also, more and more, on individual liability. As a member of our company and regardless of your position, you must reflect our ethical commitment by conducting business in full compliance with this Policy and all relevant international and local regulations. By doing so, you preserve the reputation and assets of Schneider Electric; You ensure trust and confidence in our relationships with our clients, partners and external stakeholders, such as investors and shareholders. Finally, you preserve the people of our company, and most of all yourself. Our Anti - Corruption Po licy shall serve as a handbook which you may consult when having doubts about appropriate business practices. It is not intended to address every issue you may encounter, but it should provide you with appropriate examples of corruption risks you may encounter and guide you to sort out many ethical dilemmas. We count on you to promote business integrity. Jean - Pascal Tricoire & Herv é C oureil

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